ISO Runner Duck Hard to Find Colors


6 Years
May 21, 2017
I have been looking around and noticed that there are only 4 color variations of Indian Runner ducks commonly available in the U.S. (fawn, chocolate, blue, and black). However there are supposed to be other common color variations like White, Penciled, Buff, and Gray (Mallard). There are also other nonstandard varieties include Fairy Fawn, Blue Fairy Fawn, Golden, Saxony, Blue Fawn, Pastel, Trout, Dusky, Khaki, Cinnamon, Silver, Lavender, Lilac, Blue-Brown Penciled, Blue-Fawn Penciled, Emery Penciled, Porcelain Penciled, and Splashed.

I like the Blue coloration but I am also interested in some other color variations that I can't seem to find. Does anyone have any runner ducks (other than the 4 common colors) that they breed or know where I can order chicks/hatching eggs? I am particularly interested in Silver, Lavender, and Mallard colors.
Ya Metzers doesn't sell silvers. Purelypoultry might sell emery penciled (always marked as out of stock though) but that's all I have seen. That's why I was hoping someone here might have one and remembered where they got theirs from or could send me hatching eggs.

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