ISOA for Bald underbelly on 2 YO hen, soft eggs, now seems lethargic


In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2023
I have a copper Maran hen that has had a bald underbelly since April. I have checked for mites. Up til today she was eating and drinking fine. She has continued to lay, but her eggs are getting soft. About 3 weeks ago I soaked her in epsom salts as her exposed skin is red. I soaked her again today and will check for mites again. There are 2 other hens with her and they have been fine. I feed them 20% feed, scratch, meal worms and occasionally sunflower seeds. Any ideas of what we could be dealing with. I am new to chickens.
Would she be molting in Maine, from April to now? We didn’t think so but I am new chickens. She was in the coop a while today and is very stand off-ish, I am giving them Poultry Cell supplement brand.
Also we do not have a rooster. Would she be allergic to anything that makes her skin red?
This is the hen.


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