It finally happened to us


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
I've read so many posts on here about family members & friends not approving of raising chickens & livestock & the whole back to our roots lifestyle, & I've always felt really bad for the people that have had negative comments made to them or about them by loved ones.

It had never really happened to us, though. Our relatives & friends that we're close to love hearing about the chickens & the goats. Some of my great uncles & cousins have even been talking about getting their own chickens this year. Every so often we give eggs to the relatives that we're close to that live nearby & they love them, so I guess that doesn't hurt either. But it finally happened tonight. My mom & I were in the great room & we overheard my grandmother, who was in her bedroom, telling my aunt (my mom's sister) on the phone that we (meaning me, DM, & DF) have gone crazy, along with some other not so nice things about our chickens, the farm, & us. I have to say, it hurt to hear that.

See, my grandma lives with us & we take care of her. She's 82 & has Alzheimer's; it's not very advanced AD but more like she gets confused sometimes, has bad short term memory, & sort of resents the ones that take of her (in other words us). We try not to have anything to do with my aunt (we're perfectly nice to her when we see her, but we don't seek her out); she's only ever wanted to have something to do with us or my grandparents when she needed something & she's always loved stirring up trouble in the family. She's recently been calling my grandma the past couple of months & sucking up to her, which Grandma has fell for wholeheartedly. Now, Grandma thinks they're best buddies, my aunt's such a good person, & that we're full of hate for not wanting to be best buddies with her too. And, of course, my grandmother's resenting us has been quite a lot worse than it usually is. It's made life a little difficult for us, but we've dealt with it.

This is how it's always been my whole life with my aunt & my grandparents. And I seriously doubt it's going to change now. So, she'll stop having anything to do with my grandmother soon, probably will only speak to her every six months or so (even though she only lives 2 miles down the road & is retired), & she'll start spreading lies about us & my grandmother all over town. Now, I guess we can expect to hear lies about the chickens added in, too.

I guess it just upset both DM & I because we've always been the ones to take care of both of my grandparents, & my aunt always made it perfectly clear to us that she didn't care what happened to them. My grandma had 3 surgeries last year & we were there for her for all 3 & my aunt (or her 2 sons) didn't even call to check on her after each one. Add in the things that she's done to hurt my grandparents & us over the years & it kind of hurts that my grandma doesn't support something that we love.

We've worked hard to get our hobby farm to where it is today, & it's something that DF & I always dreamed of doing (something that my grandad always dreamed of too). When we got our chickens & goats, my mom fell in love with them, too, & joined in with us. I know we have quite a few chickens, but 19 of them are chicks & we won't keep all of them. They're all treated pretty well, too, & we spend more on our animals than we do on us. I really do love my grandmother, so I haven't let her know that we overheard what she said (my mother hasn't told her yet either) & I doubt we ever will. We've learned from past experiences that that'll just make it worse.

Sorry I went on so long. I needed to vent, I guess because neither of us was expecting to hear what we did.

ETA: Has anyone else been called crazy lately for keeping chickens?
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Considering she has Alzheimer's I would not take to heart what she said too much. It may have been one of her less lucid moments. I say send her to live with your aunt and let her take care of her for awhile if she thinks you all are so horrid. I bet she won't be buddy buddy for too long. It is hard caring for a family member but it is a very noble thing you are doing. My grandmother is in a nursing home and believe me even though she drives me crazy sometimes I would have her live with me if I had the resources to do so. Unfortunately she has to live in the home which she hates. Keep your head up and know you are doing the right thing and a good thing. Don't let what others say about you bother you. I know it's hard but keep telling yourself you are a good person and doing the best you can.

As far as the chickens go I would take them down and let them poop all over her front porch!!!! Haha just kidding! I personally love having all my animals. It is relaxing to me to go out and take care of them and talk to them. If someone else doesn't like it so be it!!! They don't have to come visit! Other people have hobbies and habits that we don't approve of but do you hear us grump?

Edited to correct grammar. I can't stand bad grammar!
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OMG, I thought you were telling my families life story there!Don't let it get you down, I have a aunt just like this and my grandmother (RIP) sometimes would vent like this to her I think just to get attention from her.Then she would pull one of her stunts and shut her out again and life returns to normal. I think they just say what the person on the other line wants to hear just to keep their attention, plus she may not even realize she is being hurtful. Just know that you have support here!
She probably did say it because she's really in with my aunt now. We just weren't expecting it b/c Grandma has always acted like she liked the chickens & the farm until recently (she definately loves the eggs still). She even gave my aunt a couple of dozen of our eggs a few weeks ago & we didn't say anything about it. The last couple of weeks have been a little rougher with the whole situation going on. We try to ignore it for the most part & just let it run its course & wait for my aunt to tire of my grandmother. Maybe it won't be much longer & things can get back to normal.

cackydoodledoo: My mother worked in a nursing home for years & a some of them can be pretty rough. So sorry your grandma's in one
but, you know, some seniors, once they've made friends & get involved with the activites, they actually have a good time. I'm sure she knows how you feel, though, & probably loves you all the more for it. The only way we were able to take care of my grandad & now Grandma is that my mom & I have each other & supported each other in it. Even then, we've both had days when we've just wanted to go off & do our own thing for awhile. The farm & the animals are our destresser now &, believe me, it helps.

hennyannie: That's exactly how it's always been in my family. We used to be the same way as my grandmother is now about my aunt. We forgave her so many times over & over, & then a few yrs ago it was one time too many & we cut her out of our lives as much as possible. Life has been so much less hectic since; I just wish she wouldn't treat my grandma the way she is or spread lies about all of us.

Thank ya'll so much for letting me vent. I actually feel a little better about it, now.
I worked in a dementia unit for a while. If you want to hear some really crazy stories about those with "mild" dementia, PM me as most are not appropriate for the masses to read.
I can sympathize with you. While our families have been mostly supportive, we even less traditional farm - my husband owns a captive breeding facility for threatened lizard species, plus all of the worms, cockroaches, mice, and rats to feed them. If you think some chickens and goats will get you criticisms, snickers, and cause for debate, try having hundreds of lizards and thousands of feeder animals for them. I know my mom in particular does NOT like the idea of my husband's farm but she is being good about (mostly) keeping the negative remarks to a minimum. Outsiders, however, definitely feel the need to regularly tell us how "crazy" we are. Doesn't help that we also have a large personal menagerie, because my husband had a conservation education business with live animals, and I did exotics & fish rescue for several years.
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See this is what I am talking about. Everyone has their own hobby or desire. Would I ever do what your husband is doing? Heck NO!! I can't stand anything that creeps or crawls or is slithery!!! Do I think your crazy? Nope! It's what you love to do and if it makes you happy then so be it!!!

Do what makes you happy and not what you think will make others happy!! You are responsible for your own happiness only. Noone else's!!!!
Is there an Alzheimer's or dementia support group in your area (if you're not already doing this)? Might be helpful for both you and your grandmother, and in dealing with the aunt. Your area ombudsman should know.

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