Its A Heat Wave!

California's not faring much better; where's our May rain? It was 110 on Thurs., and 105 yesterday. Triple digits expected today, and Sunday, then cooling on Monday. I'm assuming you guys will have about the same?

My adult hens spent the day in dirt I dampened for them. My chicks don't arrive for 3 weeks. I'm hoping for pleasant weather for them, but am worried about them coming so late, since July is our hottest month.

Good luck to everyone!
So we got a small run done to let the girls out because of the heat. We put some plywood over it, but it didnt cover the whole top. I thought it would be OK, but then a huge hawk, I think a northern harrier, flew right over!!! I jerry rigged a cover for the day, but today its gonna be more permenant.

Its seriously too hot here in should be better. Hi all you Corvallis chicken folk!
Just for the record book...

When I went to the barn yesterday late afternoon
the porch therm read 113..

Chickens, Ducks and Goats were havin a party did not
seem to bother them at all.

ts startin to cool off a lil in Nor Cal but i think it will warm up again
92 in the shade here and my 6 gals were not pleased. I have a waterer and a dish of water in there...a sheet covering the top of the tractor to keep the heat down...they are doing well, a little panting but okay.

I am ready for this heat to go away. I did not go back to Florida for this reason. ugh.
All I know is, it is hot!
I like the rain, but we had so much of it I am happy to have the hot weather!
It is supposed to break tomorrow, so we can get our garden in. I wouldn't let Hubby plow the garden yesterday or today.
Wish you would talk to my misses, she had me plow today and will have me planting tomorrow. Like a fool I did it with my shirt off. Yup, sunburn. It is so hot here I put my three week olds out today and leave them out. They won't come back in unless it rins or turns real cold. Even then I might just turn the heat on them outside. All I have in the house now are 4 day olds no heat lamp, but a fan going. It is 101 in the room. And one sick roo, who is in the living room with the a/c on him.
Well, I coulda let him go out and plow, but then I wouod have to listen to him whine about how hot it is and how hard he worked in the blazing sun, even though I tell him not to work out when it is so hot.

I just didn't want to hear it.

Much easier on me to not let him go outside.
I can only sympathise, what extreme weather in May! I hope all your birds (and other critters) get through the heat with no losses.

We are unusually cold and wet....

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