
12 Years
Jun 18, 2007
I love the rain
and it seems like forever since we had a really good rain.(Southern California) We had a total of 3 rain storms in the past 8 months and non of them were of any substance. Sorry for those of you stuck in a rainy state, just remember it is better to have to much of something than not to have any at all.....

Bubba, I DO know the elation over rain!! We have hade very little this summer, and are 12 plus inches UNDER our normal. We got a good rain a few weeks ago...and I felt like chicken little...thought the sky was falling! I forgot what rain was!!
We've been in a drought all summer. People on city water were on "water restrictions" where they couldn't be caught trying to water there grass or they'll be fined. I have a well so that never affected me but the lakes look pityful and the trees are dying and I couldn't keep my garden alive this year.

Send it my way Bubba!!!
Glad it went your way;) so thats where the week of non stop rain went too:D im so sick of rain rain rain this is the first time i woke up the the sun in a week glad you have it
So glad you got rain! Here in Alabama we are like 20 inches below what we should have.

Hey Bubba,

We got rain up in Nor Cal too yesterday- a LOT of it- puddles still on the ground this morning, and more in the forcast for early next week.

Thank <insert deity you worship here> the rainy season is finally here!!!
Hi Bubba - i'm in Southern California, too. i love the rain also, except i have not gotten my pen watertight yet. It's a mish mash of tarps, not strategically arranged, so water gets in unless i am out pushing the tarps up to flip the water out (which is what i was doing all night last night).

i guess i need to get my act together before winter really sets in. i think this little storm is it for the week though, right?
Idk it cleared out pretty quick here. Dumped rain for a good 3 hours at night then it was barely sprinkling. By the time I woke up it was sunny skys all around....

Good while it lasted!

I love the rain. I'm not a summer person by any means. If I wake up and hear it raining, I know it's going to be a good day. Good thing I live in Oregon. My only complaint is the muddy paw prints on my white kitchen floor that I have to mop up six times a day, my dogs just refuse to learn how to wipe their feet.

I just bought my very first batch of chickens yesterday. I'm hoping my ladies don't mind the rain too much. Their run is under a canopy of pine trees so they should stay pretty dry.

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