Jacin's Birthday Bash 2.0 (2023)

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Premium Feather Member
Mar 19, 2020
South-Eastern Montana
Link to Last Years: Thread 'Jacin's Birthday Bash' https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/jacins-birthday-bash.1513447/

Alright peeps, it's that time of year again. No more major milestones in my life yearwise, but I enjoyed the QnA so we'll do that again. Like last time, nothing inappropriate (you know who this is towards) and nothing that will identify my irl. Any other questions are good to go.
What has changed since last year as far as your goals with your birds?
Well, for one, the chickens will no longer be moving with me when I go, so I'm letting a lot of the flocks just start to age out. I'll be buffering the pheonixes so that I have better chances with hatching eggs, and I may try to take some Cornish and some of Ambrose's fertilized eggs if they're still around, but that is all chicken wise.

Quail are being phased out for the same reason as the chickens, but they will definitely make a comeback as well when I move.

I got ducks ordered for later this year, so they will be my main focus since I can bring them with me when I move, so I can get attached to them more than I can afford to with the chickens now.

I also have donated eggs (and any resulting hens) to the ag classroom. Dropped off the 2nd batch last week and will help the students determine males near the end of the year. They'll be able to take the pullets from that batch and this one if they want, ir the teacher will, and I'll take the male's again

Another big goal is to make a new door for the bachelor pen. I've been frozen out of the pen for weeks (apart from literally 1 day in the middle) and it's resulted in more foot issues due to my inability to get in unfortunately and add bedding to most of the outside where they walk
Big plans!
Like always. I've been working on coop plans and total layouts for when I buy land so that I can start right away. Thinking if it's possible at all, I will build at least my small home while I still live where I do now, so that when I do move, I can just grab as many eggs as I can and pop them into an incubator when I arrive. (Or I convince my grandmother to let me set it up at her home, which is not a granteed option unfortunately
What was your top favorite song for last year? Did you discover any new genre or artist that you love?
If you mean last year up to last night at 23:59, yes I did. I'll post them in another comment real quick and highly suggest listening to them in something with great sound quality and bass
^watch first, v watch second
I'm very hopeful that the concept albums are all finished and released for the musical

And then there was this song. I first saw a clip of it during Miss Ukraine's presentation for Miss Universe, but ironically the music clip in the short was credited to a song from the musical listed above (which is how I found the musical) , so I had to search high and low for the actual song used for her performance (she looked amazing by the way)

And the short that started it all:

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