Jacin's Poultry 2022

Today was quite a day. Some good, but also some bad.

Good news:
Roach is doing great. She's staying inside tomorrow though to just be safe. Also got the shelves for the rooster racks built. Now to get them down to the barn and finish my wire cages for them.

Bad news:
My mosaic cull I had decided to keep instead of Zechariah is likely going to be culled. His feet froze solid over night, I'm thinking he stood in his water bowl while drinking before bed. If it's anything like Gilly the December before last, he'll wind up losing them even though he's now in the house have to be put down unfortunately. The Italian sisters (a pair of pheonix pullets from October, named courtesy of my mother) are also inside, one was limping bad and one was high stepping, and both were needing to eat more than the flock would let them, so they're with Roach to keep her company.
I'll grab some pictures tomorrow of the ones outside. Any requests? I've got:
Sinbad (Black Sumatra cockerel)
WFB Spanish bantams trio
Pheonix flock
2021 pen
Mixed flock
Bresse (and Orpington pullet)
Bantam Cochin
Big Boy's group (NNs, calico princess and a black broiler male)
Bantams Cornish

For now, a picture of Roach from earlier when she woke up from her nap.

And Romero blending in whe some of his dad's ladies play dead while dustbathing

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