January 2016 Hatch-Come Join Me

Is it too late to join in? I just got my incubator's temps correct and set eggs on the 30th. Not a bunch of eggs just a couple from my hens. I wanted silkies but no one will email or call me back about buying eggs or birds. No silkies for me.
Is it too late to join in? I just got my incubator's temps correct and set eggs on the 30th. Not a bunch of eggs just a couple from my hens. I wanted silkies but no one will email or call me back about buying eggs or birds. No silkies for me.

Welcome! Seems like the worlds egg-dry when you're ready to hatch, huh?
OK I set 22 eggs from my goofballs.  I have 14 layers, but only 8 are laying at the moment, because- you know, the end of December is a totally awesome time to MOLT!

I set them Monday morning. Because  I cannot count, I candled tonight. (Tomorrow  morning will be 48 hours after set.) 

5 are obviously veining!  WHOOT!

The rest are ether too hard too see due to being early, or that in combination with seriously dark Maran shells.

I'll candle again the REAL day 10,next Thursday.

That's great. Welcome aboard. Happy hatching.

Added 9 blue slate turkeys and 12 pekin duck eggs last night.

All fowl are very welcome. Welcome to the January hatch.

I lost power to mine yesterday not sure how long I know it was cold. We candled today the first couple we put in and they have a black dot and are moving we didn't want to.mess around so.we candled a couple and closed it up.

There have been some say that they list power, they just cover them and keep them as warm as possible. Said they gotten done fairly good hatches, the hatch was just delayed a bit, day or two.

Fingers crossed for a good hatch.

Is it too late to join in? I just got my incubator's temps correct and set eggs on the 30th. Not a bunch of eggs just a couple from my hens. I wanted silkies but no one will email or call me back about buying eggs or birds. No silkies for me.

Never too late. They'll still hatch in January. Wrk one to the January hatching thread.

Welcome! Seems like the worlds egg-dry when you're ready to hatch, huh?

Thanks for helping welcoming the newcomers. I try to keep up with it. But had to work today and just now getting in BYC.
Day 8 candling: 33/36 are looking great! Very, very wiggly. Two ended up not being fertile (a lot less than I thought I'd end up with! Go roosters!) and one was an early quitter.

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