Japanese Bantam Thread!

I had a Japanese chick hatch with such short legs, he can't really walk. Is that common? Obviously I'm helping him get to food and water, but I'm wondering if it will eventually be ok? Poor thing is stuck on it's belly paddling.
I do not have a lot of experience with short legged chickens; I have noticed with my short legged chicks that motion becomes more hindered with age. I hope I am wrong in this, but I do not think your chick's legs will get better; instead they will be worse as the body and weight increases.
I had a Japanese chick hatch with such short legs, he can't really walk. Is that common? Obviously I'm helping him get to food and water, but I'm wondering if it will eventually be ok? Poor thing is stuck on it's belly paddling.

Do you think it is because of the shortness of the legs, or does it maybe have another problem... such as splay let or slipped tendon or other leg issues? Could you share a pic?
Awww how cute!!

I'm thinking I read something about the short leg gene could be fatal if 2 short-leggeds are mated together. Is it possible that both parents were short legged? Maybe you got a survivor?

Sorry I can't offer any help as to what to do, but that's one adorable chick, so I hope it works out!
He is out of shipped eggs, and I did have to help him hatch. So I suppose that is possible. Today he is slightly able to move forward by waddling from side to side. He looks like an itty bitty penguin when he does it lol.
I just did a quick search, its a particular short-legged gene, called a creeper gene in "some" short legged birds. But it sounds uncommon, so that's probably not it. Should be interesting to see what happens with her though! Good luck! Would love to see progress pics of her occasionally!
I'm pretty sure it's just really short legs.
Is that an egg tooth? When did this chick hatch? Can you post a picture of this chick standing up on its feet? From what I can see its legs look like my short legged serama who also walk like penguins. I believe you have a regular short legged Japanese bantam. Short legs are desired in that breed. I sure wish I had that chick!
He/she hatched three days ago. I will try to get a better picture. This is my first time with Japanese. The hatch mates run around just fine, but seem to.have a bit longer of legs.

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