Japanese Bantam Thread!

@nchls school @jak2002003

Wart-a serama that shows his Japanese bantam heritage. A poor picture-his colors are much more vibrant and the tail is lacking his normal look, but he is as your description asks for.

Looks a little like my little dude
I'm hoping to get a btw(or some sort of a japanese) hen for my btw roo who is feeling lonely. He has three companions, but two are roos and will be moving out; and he still thinks that the bigger hens are his. I am hoping that he will settle down and be happy with his new flock and accept them, especially when we get rid of the other roos and the hen doesn't have her old buddies to hang out with. All the same though, I love the japanes and would love to get another.

What do you guys think? if I can get another, what color should I get? Just stay with btw, or get a different color?
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Well the little darlings are growing up to be lovely. Seems both btw have decided to go roo on me, but the very shy mottled chick is turning into a nice pullet.
Hiding behind the Cochins
One of the boys, the slightly larger male.

And I can't just have one Jap, so I picked up 3 buff and 1 btw chicks a few days ago along with a few more bantams. Fingers crossed for better odds this time.

Also, I am considering keeping one of the btw males as a lone rooster to keep around so long has he stays relatively quiet. They surely can't be as loud as all the blue jays that shriek all day. Feeding him might be cheaper than buying so many babies anyways.

What experiences do you all have with your Roos, are they usually calm with a dozen or so hens to themselves? And what would you look for when comparing to decide which to keep for some backyard PQ breeding?
Absolutely adoring my 2 btw boys, they're going to be very hard to choose between!

The only good thing about cicadas is my chicks like to eat them. Or play with them to death like little Calcifer here. Yuck.

IMG_0478.JPG IMG_0484.JPG
Though Haku here is above those kinds of noisy antics it seems.

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