Japanese Bantam Thread!

My baby has been attacked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (photos)
My favorite JB roo is in the recovery pen, after a horrible attack from one mean Guinea
I can't exactly see the actual main wound on his head but I'm thinking the dang Guinea severed the base of the comb near his neck & scraped some flesh off the last comb point & skull as well
Don't want to move it too much due to the amount of blood.
& poked a shallow hole in his back, near the base of his tail
It happened at some point today & I could only catch him @ dusk. Horrible site indeed my handsome man covered in red running in the snow

After cleaning him up as best I could for right now I ended up having to corn starch him to get the bleeding to stop. Going out in the AM so I will be getting some real clotting stuff & a few other items.
This comes completely out of the blue, yest I saw a guinea hold onto one of the hen's tail feathers, but it was right @ feeding time, so I dismissed it, as they ALL get into little tizzies when it comes to food. Well this guinea will now become food.

Anyone else have any similar situations? How did you help your hen/roo out?

Pardon his comb - he evaded me on vaseline day. He'll be inside for a few days to recover then will get slathered up real good.
Poor guy. Post it in the emergencies section, probably get more help there. I think keeping it clean and keeping him away from other chickens so they don't peck at it will take care of most of it.
Yes, these chicks will have, probably more than stubs, they will probably be feather legged.

That hen at least is out then, looks like. None of my adults have even a hint of a feather stub.
Thanks guys - I did post there as well (didn't know about that section b4) He's doing well now - fell asleep around 8 WAY past his normal bedtime but no more bleeding for right now & he's settling in inside. My heart dropped out of my rib cage when I saw him - thankful it wasn't any worse.

Once he's scabbed over really well he'll need a bath to get back to his usual clean self
he's never going to want to go outside after getting royal treatment & free stay in the penthouse sweet
Thanks guys - I did post there as well (didn't know about that section b4) He's doing well now - fell asleep around 8 WAY past his normal bedtime but no more bleeding for right now & he's settling in inside. My heart dropped out of my rib cage when I saw him - thankful it wasn't any worse.

Once he's scabbed over really well he'll need a bath to get back to his usual clean self
he's never going to want to go outside after getting royal treatment & free stay in the penthouse sweet
Good news.
I have gotten a japanese bantam ( golden w/ black tipped) and a silkie (black with brownish red chest) and now, We got baby chicks!!!!
I have gotten a japanese bantam ( golden w/ black tipped) and a silkie (black with brownish red chest) and now, We got baby chicks!!!!
Yay exciting!!!! Are the chicks from the japanese and the silkie crossed? If so can you share pics Ive been wondering what they would look like. I started a thread and no one responded
Hi all I am new to the thread and to the breed. I just got the bantam special from Ideal poultry. I do believe there are some BTB in there. Do they grow a buff colored tail in at first and then the black later?

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