Japanese Bantam Thread!

Awesome... Thank u moomoodiddy. I will take some pictures of my little roo Saint and post them tomorrow. I think he is a really unique color and would like to get some opinions. He is black with a bright gold head and saddle feathers. Hint the name Saint ( we are in Louisiana) for our state football team LOL

oh i think some of my roos brothers looked like that really perty
Thank you I now know what my little person with feathers is. Look at my Album and see my super wonder kid in feathers. I am looking for two hens for this little guy or a hen and rooster if this guy is a hen. Can anyone help me?
if u lived toward me i know some older people that have a bunch but im sure they dont do shipping or anything like that go on craigslist or your local hardware store u just have to search around
Just a question for all you who hatch JB eggs, is it safe to hatch them with Large fowl chicks? My JB eggs are sooooo tiny compared to come of my large and ex large eggs. Will my bantams get trampled?
If they get to cool and huddle up the little banty's have the tendency to end up on the bottom of the pile and can get smothered.

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