Japanese Bantam Thread!

Sorry Guys to be a Bummer ... Just had to vent. But just to send a little good news.. The 2 hens that i have left hatched 13 little babies between the 2 of them. So there is a little to smile about!! Maybe i will be able to find a new rooster to add some different genetics to the pile Lol and get my flock going again!!

Awwww I'm glad something good came your way. That is truly devastating what happened.

I hope you are able to find a nice rooster to give your hens. If you lived close to me I have 4 adult roos right now
Can anyone tell me what color this little guy is? Or what color he will turn out to be? He or she is the only one I have this color. The mother hen is a black mottle and the rooster is colored like a gray but where the silver should be is a very rich gold.
Its really weird it almost looks like it barred. I think i may have another one from another hatch thats going to be this color also. Its only about 4 days old so to tell exactly but both hatches are all from same Roo.
When you start mixing colors/patterns together, especially unknowns like the gold hackled cock, there are all kinds of combinations you can get, not all of them have names.
Lol i don't know but I think he or she is a keeper for me. Hopefully i will get a few babies from it and see what turns up!! Thats what i love about chickens u never know what u will get but they are all lovely!! Thanks guys

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