Japanese Bantam Thread!


Here is my little Roo that is the sire of 2 hatches I posted earlier. These pics are not to good because he is not cooperative for photo shoots

I think he is a pretty cool color and has thrown some interesting colored chicks. The man that i got him from had BTW, BTB, Mottled Black, and Grays. He just let them breed naturally and mix color.
So cute! I like all the different colors. Did you JB eggs ever hatch?
2 ended up not going past like day 18??? I'm guessing & the last 1 is 1/2 way out idk if it will make it since the others didn't even make it to try & hatch.

I just set 18 more there will be a few duds I'm sure, as some of them are older but ya never know!

I cant remember if I posted these pics of my Japanese but ere are a few updated pics taken last month. (just went back and looked through the images and I did post them already sorry for the repost)

I don't mind at all! They have such lovely feathering & color!
So here is my JB chick! Idk if it's has a particular pattern to come out to be a recognized color or not. What are yalls thoughts? Yellow & has a black mark on it's head & a little on it's back. In the last picture w/ her hatch mate (last two eggs to hatch after the others went to the brooder) kept trying to crawl underneath & sit!!!

So here is my JB chick! Idk if it's has a particular pattern to come out to be a recognized color or not. What are yalls thoughts? Yellow & has a black mark on it's head & a little on it's back. In the last picture w/ her hatch mate (last two eggs to hatch after the others went to the brooder) kept trying to crawl underneath & sit!!!

Well my Mollted Japanese Bantam was hatched all yellow with a tiny Black spot on its head so it might be one you got but mine didn't have any other color any where on it. So not sure

G-day , new to chickens and to the forum (located Brisbane Queensland Australia)
We recently inherited 5 bantams, and we had always talk about keeping a couple of birds in the yard but never did anything about it and then 5 little black and white bantams came along (6 actually but one was a roo and council by-law didn’t allow us to keep him L

Anyway had no idea what breed they were but didn’t really care all that much until started reading and researching and came across this thread and now I know, thanks everyone, and so I thought I would post a photo of our little flock.
Picture isn’t that good(taken with the phone from a distance sorry) but we have to Adult hens that give us an egg each, almost every day and three young birds hatched and raised by one of the adults in our spring (4 months old give or take, we have had them 8 weeks) when the rooster was still around. One of which I think is a roo (not sure what one) based on the early morning wakeup call this morning, so will be down to 4 shortly.

Anyway that the start to our story and thanks to every one for the thread

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