Japanese Bantam Thread!

So I put 6 eggs in the incubator one wasn't fertile. OUt of the 5 I had left 1 didn't hatch and 1 died after hatching:( But I have 3 very cute healthy Japanese Bitties! One question though. I have 3 fully pure Black Japanese that I collected my eggs from. There is no way possible that they can cross with anything so......how in the world did I have these bitties come out with white on them? One has a mostly white head!! Do chickens take from Ancestors like Grandparents or Great Grandparents?? Ill add pic. of them later!!
Ok, Finally got time to take some pictures of them!
This is the one with the most white which I believe is my favorite!!

Here are the other 2

I cant wait to see what they end up to look like!!
japanese bantam eggs of course!
the chicks were stuck in their egg ones membrane was half openeing but rock stiff solid and another was sticky like glue i tried to help them by cracking the top part of and they did the rest one is sticky and the other is kinda like that today do to temps outside the eggs humidity went up and down like crazy temp did so aswell i dont think anymore will hatch. What should i do with the sticky chick and what shoud i do about the other one.

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