Japanese Bantam Thread!

you all have beautiful birds!!!!!
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Sweet li'l Tux at about a week old
Tux with her day old adopted chick

Tux teaching her little bit to forage!
Our beloved Gray Japanese Bantam hen - hatchery quality/feed store stock, but priceless to us.
Oh ok, it's a disqualification..... so what?! He hasn't claimed anything about his bird.
You know, I'm really not trying to be rude, but I get tired of your constant, sometimes unneeded criticism.

Simple solution-don't read what I post. It's an open forum. I'll post as I choose, you do the same. As to what tires you I can't imagine anything I care less about. Who do you think you are to even post such a statement? let me assure you your opinion means absolutely nothing to me.
I tire of inane "beautiful chicken" comments about every scrub bird pictured. there are some people here who actually are interested in learning about breeding quality birds. This particular section is titled "Breeds, Genetics & Showing", not "Look At My Pet". This is generally the only section I post in with the assumption that people are here because those are their areas of interest.
BTW-your disclaimer to the contrary; posting an argumentative comment about a subject that doesn't even involve you sure seems rude to me.
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Ok I see what you saying NYREDS...This is a DQ if showing because of the tail... I am glad you told me. Now I have posted pics of this bird for weeks on several other sites,,,No one said anything about the tail. I posted these in the wrong forum...I also do not care for this site that much..Just for the sake of the Chitty Chat between you and Silkieforever....I been on here several time and I see this way to much..Unwanted criticism.....Maybe its something you can't control with those 50 yr of experience....It just blurt out...Have a good day,,,,,Peace
Ok I see what you saying NYREDS...This is a DQ if showing because of the tail... I am glad you told me. Now I have posted pics of this bird for weeks on several other sites,,,No one said anything about the tail. I posted these in the wrong forum...I also do not care for this site that much..Just for the sake of the Chitty Chat between you and Silkieforever....I been on here several time and I see this way to much..Unwanted criticism.....Maybe its something you can't control with those 50 yr of experience....It just blurt out...Have a good day,,,,,Peace

I'm sure the reason no one else mentioned it here or on other sites is that for many the only acceptable response is "beautiful chicken". Since this particular forum is about showing people need to understand that not every chicken is show worthy. I too often see beginners come to shows with birds that everyone has said were beautiful only to face disappointment when their bird is disqualified. Many of these potential fanciers are discouraged by this & leave the fancy. It's too bad no one was there to offer them guidance & perhaps save them from disappointment. I'm a Poultry Judge & I look at birds on this forum with a Judges eye. Some people, & apparently you are one, personalize this & see it as criticism of them rather than an observation about the bird in question. On the other hand I get a number of PMs thanking me for the insights I offer & many requests to evaluate birds for people. If your birds are your pets & you care not about their breed quality that's fine, say so & I don't respond. However, when a bird is presented as a representative of the breed & it is obviously flawed I'll continue to comment on it. It may not have been of value to you but it may well have been of value to someone else. Beginners in the fancy often have trouble seeing the total bird & overlook things like a split tail. Calling these things to their attention helps them to learn to look for them & to avoid the dissapointment that results from showing such a bird & having it disqualified w/o having realized there was a problem.
So, if you felt personally attacked I apoogize & suggest you may be a bit too thin skinned.

PS- If you enjoy Japanese Bantams why not some that are properly bred? It costs the same to feed a good bird as it does to feed a poor bird.
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NYREDS I appreciate your comments. Actually wish you gave more details sometimes. I came to the site to learn about show quality birds, but it just seems to be these are my birds posts and they are pretty. Those post are ok, but I want to know about type and color to better interpret the standard. I am also interested in color genetics, but there is little to none of that here either.

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