Japanese Bantam Thread!

My Japanese bantam is a very good layer.....when she lays. She is about 21 months old and has given me five eggs this past week. She, however, goes broody - a lot! -first went broody at about 9/10 months old. Finally, after a few good broody spells, we placed a newly hatched chick under her. (She had been on the nest for almost FIVE weeks.) She was the best mother. -cared for her chick wonderfully. -returned to laying six weeks after her chick "appeared". -went broody again about three to four weeks after that. If you don't mind a broody hen, or need a good broody - this might be a breed for you. I have found them to be really good layers (again, when laying). My Japanese bantam did lay through last winter. -brought her indoors for a few days when temps dipped into the low teens with ice out. She nested in the Yorkie's bed. -was hilarious to see an egg in the middle of the dog bed!

-as for personality, she is a very sweet gal. -is very quick to ruffle up the feathers if anything flies over. (She struts around like she is ten times larger than the tiny things she is. -not easily intimidated.)
My Japanese bantam is a very good layer.....when she lays. She is about 21 months old and has given me five eggs this past week. She, however, goes broody - a lot! -first went broody at about 9/10 months old. Finally, after a few good broody spells, we placed a newly hatched chick under her. (She had been on the nest for almost FIVE weeks.) She was the best mother. -cared for her chick wonderfully. -returned to laying six weeks after her chick "appeared". -went broody again about three to four weeks after that. If you don't mind a broody hen, or need a good broody - this might be a breed for you. I have found them to be really good layers (again, when laying). My Japanese bantam did lay through last winter. -brought her indoors for a few days when temps dipped into the low teens with ice out. She nested in the Yorkie's bed. -was hilarious to see an egg in the middle of the dog bed!

-as for personality, she is a very sweet gal. -is very quick to ruffle up the feathers if anything flies over. (She struts around like she is ten times larger than the tiny things she is. -not easily intimidated.)
Enjoyed hearing about your Japanese very much .
How Cold is Too Cold ? for my Japanese Bantam hen ?
for being outside and in wind blocked coop with 3 others. been in teens here overnights and almost above freezing daytime.
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How Cold is Too Cold ? for my Japanese Bantam hen ?
for being outside and in wind blocked coop with 3 others. been in teens here overnights and almost above freezing daytime.

UPDATE : since this Post Temps have been in mid 20 freezing daytimes and well below in the single digits overnight that lasted more then a few days my Japanese Bantam hen as well as 3 other Bantys, appear FINE all staying snug in Unheated Coop at night ........

and making a Fuss to be let out in sub Zero Am, we did wait till the Sun came up to let em out. I did and am giving them warm treats 2 X day. warm Rice with regular old fashioned Oats uncooked, mixed with well cooked eggs and whatever I have handy.
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Will be getting our first pair of WBT next week if the weather cooperates... Can't wait!

AWESOME! you will love them! I hatched mine from an egg....supposably a silkie egg...lol

same thing happened on this hatch......3 silkie eggs....turned out as japs once again!

cute little chicks! "Cadbury" I call them....which is why my roo is named Cadbury. LOL

AGAIN, you will love them to pieces! as funny as can be!


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