Japanese Bantam Thread!

AWESOME! you will love them! I hatched mine from an egg....supposably a silkie egg...lol same thing happened on this hatch......3 silkie eggs....turned out as japs once again! cute little chicks! "Cadbury" I call them....which is why my roo is named Cadbury. LOL AGAIN, you will love them to pieces! as funny as can be! [/quot I hope to get an incubator soon, and hatch a few japs and some Aussies
@hennchick Aussies!

that would be awesome! I hope you can do it!

They are settling in just fine... And the kids named them. Rachel & Sam , for the older couple that lived near us, until they moved south this past summer...

They are settling in just fine... And the kids named them. Rachel & Sam , for the older couple that lived near us, until they moved south this past summer...
Congrats on your beautiful new BTW Japanese ......... if you don't mind me asking 'who did you get them from' ?
can these do ok in the cold? Ohio - I have a dry coop and I do run heat if under 20 b/c my birds have mareks and I feel it's less stress to them. I found a local person who has some and they vaccinate.
I have Japanese Bantams and other small bantams and our winters get vicious. We have times when we have single digits even zero degrees for a few days at a time. We just had a few days of negative temps a few nights went as low as neg 30 with the windchill. I do not supply heat to my coops, all my chickens including the japs did very well. a few of my LF rooster got frostbite on the combs.
I just got this pair, so I put them in an old playhouse my daughter didn't use any more. It is without drafts, but they are so little I did hang a red heat lamp in there for them. They are settling in good. I did notice when they roost they sit directly under the lamp. It is hanging approx 3.5 - 4 feet above and away from the roost. But during the day they walk all over their little coop, and seem to not mind the chill. It's that large black rooster crowing outside the window that makes his feathers ruffle... Lol (I don't think he knows that the bird outsides out weighs him by about 12 lbs. )

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