Japanese Bantam Thread!

does anyone have japanese bantams and seramas? I can get a couple japs but the seramas seem pretty cute as well. I would prefer the friendlier of the 2. I think my coop would be fine for them.
My Japs do just fine in the Northern KY/Cincinnati OH area without and additional heat. They are housed in a chain link coop with roof and 2 sides covered with tarps. Have had no issues with any of the bantams which are all housed this way.

Did you mean vaccinated for Mareks?
Hey, everyone! I'm going to be getting three black Japanese bantams on March 3, I can't wait! I'm going to be using them as show birds and clicker training them as well! (https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/848754/wing-feather-sexing-bantams#post_12639297

Just FYI, this is my fourth year showing chickens in 4-H. I know tons about chickens, and plan to be a breeder some day! (At least as a hobby, hopefully a business) When I get my new Chabos, I will be sure to post pictures!

Also, can Japanese bantams be wing feather sexed as chicks? ([URLhttp://www.backyardchickens.com/t/848754/wing-feather-sexing-bantams#post_12639297[/URL])

. I was hoping someone could tell me what kind of bantam this is. She has feathers on her feet too.
so, my three Japanese bantams I hatched are all different from what I remember from my first jap....unless these are seramas but I didn't think my breeder had seramas..... when japs are this young, 2 weeks, do their feathering look like these? I think I have two BTW and one white or buff....idk....can any of you clarify?
BTW? Hen?

BTW? roo?

also, are my gender guesses correct? the one I believe is a roo has a tad bigger comb than the other 2 japs.....leading me think I have a perfect TRIO!

I thought BTW japs are supposed to have black tipped wings.....or since they are so young do these just have splotchy black for now? really only time will tell!
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