Japanese Bantam Thread!

Can someone let me know if this little black tail Japanese quit on me I have a feeling it did.. I understand the gene I would like a 3rd opinion @Sally Sunshine has been amazingly helpful and we both kind of agree that it doesn't look good.
Is this 2 pictures of the same egg or two different eggs? If so, it is the top picture I believe to be alive-the second picture I'm unsure.
Is this 2 pictures of the same egg or two different eggs? If so, it is the top picture I believe to be alive-the second picture I'm unsure.

I think its the same I would have to look but Thats what has me screwed up. Someone said something about Water candling but im not sure I would have a clue about how to do it.
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From what I can see the egg looks alive. My eyes are not the best, but I think I see veins which would break down quickly if the embryo had died. Also, the line between the air cell and the embryo looks distinct. That line/boundary would look fuzzy if the chicks wasn't living. Again, my vision could be better and pictures often do not show details well. Why do you believe the egg is no longer viable?
@nchls school your eyes are just fine. My Granddad grew up on a chicken farm he told me a trick his dad used. Coffee can and a light hold the egg upside down and you can see into the egg better. Sure enough there are veins they are light idk if it's from being 12 days or what. But your eyes are right
@nchls school your eyes are just fine. My Granddad grew up on a chicken farm he told me a trick his dad used. Coffee can and a light hold the egg upside down and you can see into the egg better. Sure enough there are veins they are light idk if it's from being 12 days or what. But your eyes are right

Nice to know that my eyes are still working as they should.
my smartypants son actually pointed out we have eggs on days 13,12,11 not 12,11,10.... lol

Enjoy your smarty pants son; all too soon they are grown and gone. My son is 34 and I wish I'd taken more time to enjoy the dork when he was with me. Now he has a family of his own and I rarely hear from him.
Enjoy your smarty pants son; all too soon they are grown and gone. My son is 34 and I wish I'd taken more time to enjoy the dork when he was with me. Now he has a family of his own and I rarely hear from him.

He always makes me laugh even when I'm EXTREMELY mad. They do grow up a little too fast.
He always makes me laugh even when I'm EXTREMELY mad. They do grow up a little too fast.

Omg I just ordered some from Cackle Hatchery because I wanted to breed and have a flock running around my garden. But just reading you guys messages has my heart pounding! I don't know if I can take the stress!!!
Omg I just ordered some from Cackle Hatchery because I wanted to breed and have a flock running around my garden. But just reading you guys messages has my heart pounding! I don't know if I can take the stress!!!

They are a difficult breed because they have a lethal gene that can cause them to die in the shell. I have been trying for a few months now fingers crossed and praying that the 2 I have in lockdown hatch.
I read a lot about things that interest me. Often it leaves me wanting to scream. Today it is short legged lethal factor. One source denies it exists-a second source says that if short is bred to long no lethal factor-another says that 25% will die-two sources said only two percent of embryos will die. With my short legged serama rooster 50-60% DIS. Recently I switched roosters (long legged) and the first clutch has 9 out of 10 eggs living; the 14 day will be Thursday. Can someone tell me with certainty (1st hand experience) how the lethal factor works?
Eight chicks have hatched so far; the ninth eggs is hatching also. What a difference. I haven't had this high a percentage hatch before.

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