Japanese Bantam Thread!

we just love ours, the hen is a little flighty but our roo is great we even bring him indoors sometimes
HATCH TIME!!! got one hatching now... it's taking a while since it zipped...about 2 hours now, I hope it's ok.
the last ones I thought hatched very quick, from pip to hatch about 2 hours. Does anyone else think these little guys hatch quicker than most? I can't wait!!!! I got a pair out of the last hatch but the pullets legs are to long, you weren't kidding when you said by week three you could tell, the little roo has a bright red comb... here are some new pics to share to keep me away from the bator!

the one on the rt is the female (her legs are to long and she is wearing my attempt at fixing her crooked toes..


this is the little roo he is in great shape so far (even though I really wanted more HENS!)



while I was typing this I heard a loud peeping from the bator and low and behold it's out! BUT it looks like it has a toe problem also
I can't remember the cause of this but I need to figure it out!

This is so frustrating!! Out of the last hatch the two I got I may not keep ..not sure what to do with more than one roo as I would need to keep them together! if anyone knows how to introduce roosters to each other (if that's even possible) please tell me! The pullet I already have her legs will be to long and for showing or breeding

luck of the draw I guess!!
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Don't forget, you can breed a long leg to a short leg, and still get short legs, especially if she has good qualities otherwise. Japanese roosters generally don't do too well together, unless they have space and plenty of ladies, or if they were raised together.
I am glad to hear that almost everyone seems to have nice, docile Japs
She/He is really starting to calm down and really just has a great personality.
I am also glad to hear that she has longer legs. It does crack me up seing those little legs but after hearing about what might possibly happen to Japanese chicks crossed short legged to short legged it kinda scares me :O
thanks..I may keep her after all, it is going to break my heart to get rid of the little boy
I just can't keep building cages for EVERYONE! do you guys think her legs are way to long or just a little to long?
Maybe she was just standing up really tall. I went back and looked and it looks like she is almost on her tippy toes. stand her on a flat surface and you should be able to see better. look at the pic in sunket's post that shows the two chicks, this is a very good comparison shot. Try putting up another pic with her like sunket's and maybe we can tell better.
our new baby...only got one jap out of this hatch but is has nice short legs ..I gotta firgure out whats going on with incubation why my eggs aren't hatching! but here it is....


when cleaning pasty but I accidentally removed part of it's navel that was left over and it started leaking fluid like yolk with a small bit of blood, I thought I had killed it for sure. But it stopped leaking and is ok now they are so tiny i get nervous!


I get worried when I see so much white, I really hope it grows out... we are still learning!
So are your eggs developing but not hatching? Or not developing?

What variety chick is that one?

I almost did exactly that this evening with the navel, I kept washing and trying to work it loose. I finally realized what it was!
I would say it is a humidity problem. Either too high or too low. It could also be temperature fluctuations. I don't know where you live but here in GA mine do great during the summer but not so great during the winter. In the summer we have the AC on and it keeps the house at a fairly even temperature so the incubator stays at an even temperature. During the summer I dry hatch which keeps the incubator at about 35% humidity for all but the last few days, then I get it up over 70% with the use of sponges. I have hatched several of my blacks this year.

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