Japanese Bantam Thread!

Buttons - Black Tailed White Japanese Bantam Hen













Sorry for so many pictures - but she hardly ever holds still long enough for a good pic sooo....

I have 3 other Jap hens, 2 whites and 1 BTW hen. Compared to buttons they're GIANTS!!!

Buttons is THE tinest jap I've ever seen!!

ETA: Buttons is full grown - she should start laying in a few weeks!!! I can't wait to get tiny little "Button" eggs!
Oh, in the last few pics, she is next to my younger chicks that are about 2 - 3 months old?
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Yes, I'm familiar with scaley mites and how to treat them but I'm wondering if I could use vitamin E cream to help developing new scales, in order to cast off old ones? I just don't like the thought of 'removing' scales physically because I might just break his legs!
I'd rather not do it unless as an 'absolute last resort.' *Do they bleed if you take the scales off? I know its a dumb answer but I wouldn't have a clue as I've only treated scaley mites and had never removed scales before.*

I will have a close look at his toes again... but I remembered thinking how smooth the end of the toe stumps were....he might have been injured at a young age or it's could be an hereditary issue? I will try and get some photos but they're very mistrusting (apart from the male who's slowly coming around to my presence).

But no matter which way I'll go with this male, I will have to test mate him with one of my BTW hens and see 'what's in the pudding.' But I don't want to do that yet as I want to concentrate on his wellbeing first, and that of his two girls.

Ummm I'm unable to import from Australia as I resides in NZ but we have the least number of breeds here and no short legged Japs
But here's hoping that I'll be successful with getting some photos of my hapless white Japs
We have a terrible and very expensive time to import anything here too. I guess we are lucky to have such a variety. I was wondering, do they molt their scales like they molt their feathers? I will have to research that. Does anybody know?
OK, I found this, but won't let me copy.... from Big Four Poultry Journal (old)

"Another thing not well known either, is that the birds will moult the scales on their legs as well as their plumage, and a lot of the old scales will retain their place by adhering to the new scales, and so it is well to go over their legs and rub them off, but do it gently."

So if you did decide to "pluck" them, they should grow back, but looks like it would work to wait till molt, and soad and oil really well then try to help them shed?
Right here's goes, after trying to access photobucket and gotten nowhere with it!

Please note: ignore the dates shown in images as the dates weren't set up properly and I couldn't bothered getting it right *but I should really!* And the white Japs are looking dirty because of the old engine oil/kerosene mix where they've, roosted right beneath the interior roof of their new home.

The females definitely are not purebred, their combs are 'terrible' but the tail of the (fizz looking) girl is the best of the two females. I'm not a hundred percent sure of the male but his combs done him a great disservice.


(above) His legs improved tremendously since his arrival (11 days ago), I only treated his legs by smearing vaseline (quite thickly) all over and putting him, and his girls on Ornithon. I was very surprised, when I saw how much his legs has improved vastly! of course they're still ugly looking though and they were treated again after this photo was taken. Notice the missing claws? Would you say its an hereditary issue or old injuries?


(top) His poor tail sickle feathers were so spindly and were much shorter, obviously ruined by parasites.
Today, his 2 long sickle feather has grown, although still spindly but nothing more can be done except to wait until moulting time. His comb flops slightly to one side and is a rather poor looking comb but big.


(top)This is one of my BTW roo (image flipped around to compare both shapes of two roos). The White Jap have more curve to his back/shoulder/neck area than the BTW Jap.

Female 1, with 'turned feathers,' has she got a bit of frizzle on her neck? Heres her left and right-side profiles (below)



This is female number two, quite a 'U' but have tail that reminded me of Leghorns? None of the females' tails are well spread but sticking upright mostly. Very difficult to picture this girl properly as she's the shyest one of the 3. (below)

One of my favourite photos of 4 of my BTW Japs, I love how the female showed loyalty to that roo *but she was probably more interested in snatching somethingout of his beak!*..(below)


Two photos showed something I rarely see and as much as I don't like birds injurying themselves silly, I was taken aback by the behaviour of a Japanese Rooster, having discovered an intruder in 'his' domain.
*its not even his! lol*
I know roosters fights if given the chance but I've not seen Jap boy having progressed beyond doing the funny shuffling dance with wings spread. He sure took me by the surprise and he was magnificent to watch!!
In one of the photos, I couldn't help but be reminded of a raptor of Jurassic Park movie.


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Oh dear! where's everybody?? This thread has gone quiet

Anyone is welcome to make comment, good or bad about these birds. But seriously the female with a bit of frizz feathers on her neck, got the best tail out of all the female Japs that I've got (being more 'fan-tail' shape than other hens).
I might consider breeding with her but breed out the frizz feathers but I'm not going to do anything or make any decisions until the next moult.

Have anyone got buff mottle and blue mottle Japs? I would love to see what they look like.
OH, this thread does that ever so often!
Coley, your Japanese are rather long necked and long backed. But like some author said (can't remember who) you have to start with what you have. You won't ever be able to breed the short legs into them, but you can breed down the size and keep the shortest backs, horizontal stance with full breast. Your BTW seem to be closer to standard from what I see in the photos. The rooster's legs looked better than I had imagined, so I guess they are improved! Keep up the good work. I find a toothbrush after a soak in warm soapy water does wonders for their legs, and might help shed any of those older scales that haven't turned loose.
wow i love this thread , ps old trick for scaly legs is to dip them in used motor oil once or twice a week for a month Also anyone with japs anywhere near palmerston ontario please contact me
I'm outa here at 4 in the morning heading to Shawnee, Oklahoma. This will be the Japanese national for this year. There are over 200 Japanese Bantams entered. Anyone who can possibly come, should..I hope to have some good pics when I get back.

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