Japanese Bantam Thread!

Here are photos of the two bantams that are growing at different rates

This is the smaller 'Little chicken'


This is the bit bigger one 'Cry Baby"
from what I was told from the ol' time jap breeders.... they told me that hens tend to have thinner shanks and males thicker - you can tell this from day old. also you can tell long legged vs short at hatching too. compare all your hatched japs and some will be longer than others. I was told to keep the chicks with shorter thinner shanks.

also from personal experience with my first jap chicks at 4 weeks old i could tell the males from the females because there combs start growing.

heres a photo you can tell them apart already... they are not fully feathered here but have some body feathers.
I got both my chicks at the same time. They are from the same hatch.
meepitqueenie are you saying the roosters start with the combs first?? As the bigger one is showing its comb but not the smaller one.
And whats a 'shank' on a bird??
I can find it on a cow but not sure on the bird.
Also you state different characteristics for male female but dont say which goes with which?
Thanks so much for your info...this really has been bugging me.
I named mine japenese things like sushi and osaka. They are great chickens!

I LOVE the Japanese name theme
know of any other Japanese words/foods/objects??

My boyfriend is Japanese, and we have Japanese-English dictionaries lying around the house, so I never run out of Japanese words. But I still named my BT Japanese after the 3 Musketeer characters (who are French). Go figure!

Here are some possibilities for you:
Wabi-Sabi (a kind of philosophical term for decor or design that is rustic and humble, yet artistically/aesthetically beautiful in its simplicity)
Zen (as in Zen Buddhism)
Katana (sword)
Ninja (those semi-mythical assassin-spies in black outfits)
Tetsubin (a Japanese iron tea pot)
Sen Cha (green tea)
Hoji Cha (roasted tea)
Macha (powdered green tea, used in tea ceremony)
Sashimi (a kind of sushi or the sticky rice used for it)
Mochi (a cake of pulverized sticky rice, originally a traditional Japanese New Year food)
Kabuki (a kind of highly stylized Japanese theater, often comic, famous for its amazing costumes and makeup)
Samisen (a type of stringed instrument played on the lap like a dulcimer)
Sumo (famous Japanese form of wrestling)
Yokozuna (the highest ranking for sumo wrestlers)
Taiko (Japanese drum)
Odaiko (formal name for a big Japanese drum)
Samurai (a Japanese warrior)
Geisha (women traditionally trained as professional music/poetry/dance performers for the entertainment of gentlemen)
Sukiyaki (popular Japanese noodle dish)
Fujiyama (the famous mountain. Fuji means "wisteria" and "yama" means mountain)
Momo or Mume (MOO-may) (a peach or apricot)
Oni (a kind of Japanese demon in folklore)
Tenuki (a Japanese badger)

Here are some actual Japanese people names:
Male: Yukio, Yoshi, Kenji, Narushi, Hiro, Hideyuki, Kodo
Female: Emmi, Yoko, Yasuyo, Keiko, Haruko, Setsu, Sue (pronounced "SOO-ay")
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If you pm me your email address I will email you an article - shank- is the leg between the foot and the hock (where the leg bends) basically the scaley yellow part of the leg above the foot.

I am uploading some more photos of my current chicks.

can you get a picture of your chicks legs? maybe side by side.

I have to go to work. I will update you more when I get back (or if its slow at work i'll sneak back on here)
ok sneaking a couple min at work.

here is a photo i took this am my chicks will be 2 wks old tomorrow.


you can see one is smaller in length than the other and the shorter one is thicker.

so accourding to what i have learned (i will confirm later as time goes on if it was correct) that the shorter one has a thicker shank so it will be a male.

the longer one should in theory be a female.

its a neat experiment.

also i have been working with my chicks at hand feeding - its just a bit of oatmeal - they love it.

and them falling asleep in our hands.... LOL


I will email you the article as soon as i can.
Anyone with Black Tailed Whites....I've bought a few BTW Japs over a year ago, raised some chicks but this year, I've noticed the sire had developed (or bleeding through) some red/buff pigment

He had always been black and white until this year but his latest offsprings are bleeding through 'red/buff' as well.

I would've thought that the sire must've been 'maturing' into an old old rooster (since I don't know exactly how old he was when I first got him) but when the 2 month old cockerel also 'bled' through some red/buff pigment (same thing with the pullet as well, but she died a few weeks ago)..I'm not so sure as to what's happening here??
*Why are they changing colours now?*

Whatever it is, the change of colouring in the plumage had thrown me off a bit since I had planned on starting a barred-tailed project this year
and BTW Japs are pretty rare over here that it is very hard to source more BTW females... And since I've also lost one BTW hen the other day, I'm down to 4 males and one female and it sure aint looking good at the moment, female-wise!

Another question, have any of your BTW Japs got yellow tinged feathering?
Yellow can come from feed (corn, for example) or from a lot of sun, or stains from dustbathing if there are strong pigments in the soil. I do have a few who seem to get a little yellow in the hackleswithout those things, bot not buff or red.

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