Japanese Bantam Thread!

I can rule out corn but cannot rule out the sun...I know being in the sun accentuates the 'yellow' in the plumage so I'm guessing the yellow in the plumage is genetic (recessive white?) and being impossible to breed out? *had anyone tried using white leghorn bantam for dominant white?*

This male I've got (the oldest), whom I've purchased about 18 months ago (he wasn't a cockerel back then), suddenly got red/buff pigment bleeding through? And not only that, black pigment starting to appear on few neck hackles as well??

I've a stupid imagination of witnessing this BTW male and this season's cockerel, morphing into Black Tailed Buffs!
Perhap someone more advanced into genetics could shed light on this unusual situation as I'm only a 'learner grappling with genetics.' I've so many thoughts swirling around in my head and none of it makes sense!
Hi ColeyPoultry
I'm fairly new to raising japs. But I have learned, you dont know whats in the genetics of a bird. I have been getting some beautiful Golden Duckwing chicks from a pair of wheaton japs. I got one nice male from them last year and have about 12 chicks this year. All appear to be Golden Duckwing colored chicks.
Im going to try and cross this years pullets with last years male and start a line of Golden Duckwings.
I dont know if this helps.
There are two other issues that might cause the discoloration. The first might be that your birds came from someone that was crossing Black Tailed Whites with Black Tailed Buffs in order to either improve Black color in the in the Buffs or improve the type in the Buffs. The other issue is possibly a brass color that crops up in some strains of Black Tailed Whites. The brass is strongest in the male wing bows and saddles. I need to see the color to tell which it might be. It all depends on what you intend to do with the Japs that will determine your recourse. If you want pets then there is nothing wrong with them, but if you want to show, either is a problem.
Yes, you're absolutely right, you would never know for sure when purchasing any birds but Golden Duckwings are beautiful (so are the Silver Duckwings) ;-) *I love silver duckwings! Hence starting on a project for Silver Duckwing Rosecombs this year*

I guess in most cases, you most likely to have most of your questions answered when you hatched out chickens (provided that both parents are of the same breed and one of parent is of your own stock). Its the unknown ones that would have you guessing and springing up surprises lol
Hmmm I'm not getting anywhere with photobucket??? I haven't used it for such a long time that I've forgotten my password:/
Is there another site that'll store images and provide links to forums like photobucket? I'm not that savvy with images and where to store them in cyperspace

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