Japanese Bantam Thread!





Sorry about the bad pictures. They thought I was gonna eat them
I looked at the pictures. That male is the result of a variety cross. It's not pure Black tailed White. If you like him then hatch a lot and pick the birds with the least amount of buff color and you can eventually get rid of it. It's not brassiness, just another color coming through. If you hatch enough you may get more varieties.

not the best btbs but hatching eggs from these guys to see what we get

Here our the mottled from the poultry show last fall.
reserve of breed with the cockerel

best of breed with the pullet
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If you put the

Around your link it will show up.

Ok..I'll give it a go :O) :O)


Hmmm...that didn't work *scratching head in puzzlement* I will try photobucket again (probably need a blinkin' upgrade!)
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I don't have a standard but I am assuming your mottled have too much white on them. and the roo looks a bit long legged but hard to tell in the photo.
one of the girls seem to have some type that i think could be worked with - maybe breed it to a lightly marked mottled roo or maybe a black roo? not sure what colors can be crossed.

I am by no means an expert. this is my 2nd year with this breed.

need to buy me a standard... any suggestions? on what book/standard I should get.?

I got these from paul kroll but I have not yet gotten the white roo to breed my hens or the mottled pair to do anything besides sit next to each other...
but here they are

white roo he shows no interest in my btw hens - and now they have gone broody
Lost the white hen we got with him this winter.

here he is with my btw hen

the mottled pair- i call them the "old couple"
Ducklover1 and Meepitqueenies...I love all your mottles!! Aint they GORGEOUS~!~

Hey Japman, I would also think it'll be a variety cross but I haven't come across anyone or known of anyone that got black tailed Buffs but I will be heading for the poultry shows in a forthnight and I will, definitely, be asking around...
The brassiness is there but it is just not obvious in the photos).
His oldest male offspring got the brassiness (he'll be a year old now) but the youngest male (hatched last November) got a bit of buff pigment happening as well.

I'm still looking into the genetic of the BTW Japs, I assumed they're wheaton-based with the white being recessive? Don't laugh
as I'm still wadding through all these genetics, getting my head around it all....but I'm getting there

I guess my Barred-tailed Jap Project will be put off for now until I figure out another plan...hopefully it wont take long to find almost pure BTW females to put under my BPRb to get this Barred tailed project under way...
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Here go.......

Image below: Looking down on his back

Side profile of same male

Two male Japs (one of which is the above male)

*And yes they're not short-legged, I can't seem to source any short legged ones here and I've been searching for 2-3 years (on and off).
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