Japanese Bantam Thread!

Thanks for the info meepitqueenie! My husband is positive the lady sold them to me b/c there is something wrong with them. Hopefully not and you are right!
THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE! And look absolutely pretty and show quality to me! Where did you get thme if I may ask? I am begging for some!
To Dutchgirl: I have a white bk tailed pullet, love the color of the other one in the picture!

owner of 5 TB racehorses, 12 Painted Desert sheep, 4 goats, 1 housedog, several outside cats, 2 housecats, 1 Longhorn cross heifer, 2 OEGB roos, 1 Japenese pullet & 20 American Games.......
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he is definitely not black tailed buff. he could be a black tailed white mixed with black tailed buff but he does not look like a pure btb. BTB's roo's are more of a golden color.
he is definitely not black tailed buff. he could be a black tailed white mixed with black tailed buff but he does not look like a pure btb. BTB's roo's are more of a golden color.

I would say he is a mixed color Japanese bantam as well.
I have 2 Japanese Bantams, 1 BTW and 1 black, that I bought @ about 1 week old as straight run. They are now approx 21 weeks old. I have looked @ pictures, pictures, & more pictures but none of the pictures tell me when to expect certain things.

Such as: When do the combs/wattles on the males really start to be noticable? When do the curved tail feathers start to pop up on the males? When can I expect them to start laying?

Also, I am wondering about my black jap...the beak is black, the legs/feet are black, comb/wattles is black with red under-tones, and has only a bit of red showing on the face. Is it possible that it's not really a black jap?

I will post pictures tomorrow, as I don't have the camera at work with me. Any insight would be fabulous

The legs should be yellow and the comb and wattles should not be black. I would say that it is likely mixed with something. As for when. Well, I can tell my BTW males from the females pretty early because they always have a larger comb than the females. As for when they start laying. Mine usually lay at 4-5 months but it depends on a lot of things, like weather, daylight etc. I have never taken notice of when the tail feathers "pop up" on a male.

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