Japanese Bantam Thread!

Sounds like you two need to talk chickens!
By the time she saves up enough money, it may be safe to ship to her. Too hot right now.
Sorry to butt in the middle of a conversation..... (I hope this is the right place to ask)

Can any breeders advise what age do you ring your Japanese Bantams and what size rings do you use?
Also, what are the different ways of marking chicks/ earliest you can ring a bird if using rings that clip shut.

Many thanks

Kate, just be careful, there have been heated discussions about band sizes.
One companys size may be different from anothers.
I prefer to use the plastic bands that the ABA sells, their chart recommends
11mm for female,
13mm for male
I have some 2 month old chicks that the bands still won't fit on the legs yet, so you do have time to order them.
The ABA gets 38 cents each, and $5.00 shipping per order.

If you just want a temporary band, I use the plastic zip ties, the kind you would use to tidy up wires under the desk
Or, velcro, or vet wrap works, too. I'm not crazy about velcro.

If you just need a few, I can ship you some. Just cover the postage for me.
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Oops, I just looked, and noticed you are over the puddle.
I don't know if there are similar bands over by you.
PM me if you need more info-
Hello everyone,
I am totally clueless to the Japanese bantams. But, I'd be interested in getting a pair for our farm.
If I understand correctly, they are very friendly birds? Obviously not big egg layers. How would they do in the winter time in a state like Connecticut? Keep them under a heat lamp when it gets cold? Do they mix well with other breeds? Or maybe it all depends on the individual?
Hello everyone,
I am totally clueless to the Japanese bantams. But, I'd be interested in getting a pair for our farm.
If I understand correctly, they are very friendly birds? Obviously not big egg layers. How would they do in the winter time in a state like Connecticut? Keep them under a heat lamp when it gets cold? Do they mix well with other breeds? Or maybe it all depends on the individual?

We raise them in upstate ny so I keep heat lamps in there barn as the males tend to have frost bite on there comes.

We are selling out of all of japs if you are interested in traveling or paying shipping costs... pm me.

I am in upstate NY in Keeseville, and just across from Burlington VT

we have black mottled, black/blue/splash, black tailed buffs.

selling everything... have to move and give up all the chickens.

So we are sad, but it is a neccessity in the current situation that we are in.

3 btb hens, 1 btb roo (best of breed winners)
3 black mottled hens 1 mottled roo the hens have won best of breed
1 black roo, 1 black hen, 1 blue hen, 1 splash hen - these were our projects trying to get shorter legs on them
1 black roo
1 btb roo
4 black mottled pullets
1 blue roo
1 blue pullet
1 blue mottled pullet
and i have the last batch of jap chicks hatching now

and i have jap hatching eggs available until i sell the birds.

Hoping to sell them all in the next 2 weeks.
Caroline, if I can help out in any way, let me know.
I would be interested in the blue girls.
I would be coming from Long Island, and if anyone else needs birds shuttled south, I am willing to do that.
I'm sorry you have to move, it sucks. I have done it a few times.
Hi everyone
I have a bit of an odd Jap Bantam question...
My family and I have kept a few egg and meat chicken breeds for years.
This year my 3 yr old twin girls begged for some "pet chickens", eventually we settled on a few silkie pullets and a few JB pullets and so far they've been a lot of fun. My kids absolutely adore them.
As "luck" would have it, one JB "pullet" was a VERY late bloomer and is a cockrel.
And of course he's their favorite. Tons of personality, tiny little "dachshund" legs, about the size of a can of soda at 10 wks old and a total lap chicken. My dilemma is that our city doesn't allow roosters on less than an acre of property.

.... So, just how loud will this little guy crow? At 10wks he still makes a tiny squeaky crow a few times a day, barely louder than the cackles and chuckles from the silkie pullets. If he stays "quiet" I'm hoping to keep him.
I also worry about him becoming aggressive as he gets older, my only Roo experience is with Leghorns and I still have the scars from spurs to show for it!

What's everyone's opinion on JB Roos as "pets"?

Thank in advance, I look forward to reading your replies.
Caroline, if I can help out in any way, let me know.
I would be interested in the blue girls.
I would be coming from Long Island, and if anyone else needs birds shuttled south, I am willing to do that.
I'm sorry you have to move, it sucks. I have done it a few times.
Thank you, someone local came and bought my whole flock. So the birds will be 30 min away and we can come see them anytime so thats a good thing.
and maybe someday we can get eggs to hatch from them when we can have chickens again.

I do have about 1 dozen eggs left if someone is interested $25 includes shipping. mostly b/b/s and mottled.
Caroline, good for you, I wish you the best.
Nola, my roos are sweet, and may be a little feisty at times, but have never attacked us.
Some find the crows a little annoying. Kind of like listening to a yapping chihuahua.
Every one has different voice. But never as loud as large fowl roos.
I think they are some of my best behaved bantam roos.
And certainly the prettiest!

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