Japanese Bantam Thread!

I have some exotic bantam chicks, they are 5 weeks now.....
I am not sure how many are Japonese but, I have several different colored ones, cant wait till they start develpoing thier looks.
I think I have two Japanese; one black tailed white and one pure white. In the first picture the two smooth white ones are my Japanese; the one on the right I'm not sure if it's a Jap or not, and the one on the left is my Black Tail.

Below is a slightly better pic of my Black Tail with my White in the background.
I'm looking for either really, I want them for pets but I might show or breed them later.
Thank you, I'll look there and please let me know of any others!
If you look back a while, I posted breeders from your area.
It may take you less time to read all the pages than for me to find my breeders list again.

I have some exotic bantam chicks, they are 5 weeks now.....
I am not sure how many are Japonese but, I have several different colored ones, cant wait till they start develpoing thier looks.
Well, give us some pictures, and we can figure it out!
Where did they come from?
I would like to say that the Japs are the ones with the short legs, but sadly, hatchery birds usually don't have them.
At 5 weeks, they all should look like pullets, except the boys will have larger and pinker wattles.

And everyone new....
nice to have you along!
Thank-you. I got her from a co-worker who I think picked her up at a auction. She has a band around her leg with NC and some numbers on it. She got her and a silkie rooster about the same time. She gave the silkie away because he was mean, and kept "Bambi" until the rest of the chickens started to pick on her. She had to keep her with her turkeys. I talked to her husband the other day and told him I thought she was a Japanese Bantam. They raise RIR, Plymouth Rocks and Buffs so I can see why she got picked on. Her chickens are huge even next to my EE's. She now stays with 3 EE bantams and 4 D'Anvers, and she is now Miss Boss

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