Japanese beetle trap for chicken run


12 Years
Jun 9, 2007
Central Ohio
Hey gang,

I haven't been around much lately because of school (I finally graduated from college--it only took me fifteen years!), but now I'm FREE.

We have a serious Japanese beetle infestation on our property, the worst I've ever seen it. I now know it's too late to try anything like beneficial nematodes or milky spore (we'll be doing something for next year for sure), but in the meantime, the beetles are on all my ornamental plants, in the vegetable garden, on the trees...they're also flying into my head every time I go outside!

A LONG time ago, someone on this list mentioned a rigged JB trap that "dispensed" directly into their chicken run. Anyone know how to do this? My girls would happily eat all I can supply them!
You can get traps that release pheromes that attract the beetles. I just put figs out or whatever their favorite fruit is. I then pick them off toss them in a glass of water with just a tiny bit of olive oil/veggie oil in it to coat thier wings. The birds eat them like candy.


PS What we call Japanese Beetles in So Cal are really Green Fig Beetles
You have built-in Japanese beetle traps--the chickens!
Oops, sorry, should have read more carefully! I do remember seeing that about the trap that shoots them into the run. Now if we could just find it!
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Now Bubba, if I did this, I'd be out there twelve hours a day!
Seriously, we have 3.5 acres and they're currently all covered with those stupid beetles. I did try some handpicking, but it is an entirely futile effort. I can't let my chickens have the run of the property because the neighbor's dog would do to them what I want the chickens to do to the beetles!
Did a search and this is the closest thing I could come up with:

"Oh yes! Mine LOVE them. I was reading in a magazine......I think... Backyard Poultry....this woman had a bad infestation of them. This is what SHE did.

Buy the Japanese beelte traps. they are bags....that have something in them that attracts the beetles. Its not a chemical poison...something about hormones or something like that. Well...she cut the bottom out of the bag and hung it just high enough so the chickens can not reach it, but put a large white pan under it. The beetles would be attracted to the bag...and go in the top...and fall out the bottom to the plate. She said her hens would stand there for hours, waiting on the "free lunch" to drop through.

For me....I let mine free range..and have seen VERY FEW of those nasty little buggers.

Heavens Door Acres"
"...Buy the Japanese beelte traps. they are bags....that have something in them that attracts the beetles. Its not a chemical poison...something about hormones or something like that. Well...she cut the bottom out of the bag and hung it just high enough so the chickens can not reach it, but put a large white pan under it. The beetles would be attracted to the bag...and go in the top...and fall out the bottom to the plate. She said her hens would stand there for hours, waiting on the "free lunch" to drop through....."

I tried this method last year. The trap worked just great, but as soon as the beetles hit the plate they would fly away again. My chickens didn't just stand at the plate waiting for them. So, it didn't work that well for me. What DID work was getting up early, going out to my flower bed, garden, etc, with my trusty bucket of water, and shaking the beetles into the water, just like a good organically inclined farmer would do. A little soap in the water keeps them from flying away, or you can just slosh the bucket around to half drown the buggers. Then, just call the chickens together and empty the bucket on the ground for a feast. a few might escape, but not many.
Just remember to share with your chickens!


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