Jersey Giants and bantams- help me decide what to do please!


10 Years
Apr 25, 2009
Ok, so here is the problem. I have ordered some hatching eggs: buff orpingtons, jersey giants and wyandottes. I really only want to keep 3 hens out of these and the incubator is small and holds 8, so I will incubate 8 as a selection of these and see what I get. I only keep a small backyard flock (currently 3 large hybrid hens and 2 runner ducks)

Problem is, that the wyandottes are bantams (which was a mistake as I wanted large fowl). Should I just hatch them and have bantams alongside the giants, or is this a no-no?

I do not intend to keep any cockerels, but there will inevitably be a transitional period as the young ones grow and mature and we can identify if we actually have any cockerels. I can separate them if I need to, but prefer not to as it will be logistically inconvenient. Obviously keeping a jersey giant cockerel and a bantam hen together would probably kill her! Or would it?

But I am not intending to keep any cockerels so in the long term I could keep bantam and giant hens together ? Would this work?

I originally never considered bantams as I thought they would be bothered by my cats as they free range. Keeping them enclosed with a roof long term (i.e. beyond chick-hood) is not an option.

If I don't hatch the bantams then I have wasted my money, will have to order some more, and they will not arrive until next week and then the whole timing plan is shot with the other eggs not being fresh. This is so annoying!

So, what I am asking is:

1. Can/should bantams and giant hens live together?
2. During the growing/adolescent period, can bantams and giants (of both sexes) live together?

Overall - Should I hatch the bantams?

They are silver laced and so beautiful!!!
I don't think its the best to keep large fowland bantams together...
but you could give it a go. u've just gotta be particularly mindful thats all...
sorry i couldn't be much help
Bantans and large fowl can live together many do have such mixed flocks. Sorry I can't give you any help on your problem.
I keep large fowl and bantams and have no problems. The bantams are sometimes the leaders of the flock. They can be kept with no problems as long as the breeds are all non aggressive. All of your breeds are non aggressive, so they should be fine together. :)
Thanks guys for your input. I am leaning towards giving it a try and seeing if it works. These bantams will be so gorgeous I should be able to sell them if it does not work out. Which would of course break my heart!

What about the cats? Has anyone any experience of cats stalking or catching full grown bantams? We would keep them securely penned until grown, but want to free range them after that.
On the cats. Growing up the neighbor across the road had bantams free range and we had pullets who ranged to the POL. I don't recall a instance of our cats taking one down. And our farm cats were hunters. The neighbors bantams reproduced enough to keep the flock going. So the cats didn't get many chicks if any at all.
Thanks guys for your input. I am leaning towards giving it a try and seeing if it works. These bantams will be so gorgeous I should be able to sell them if it does not work out. Which would of course break my heart!

What about the cats? Has anyone any experience of cats stalking or catching full grown bantams? We would keep them securely penned until grown, but want to free range them after that.
How are your bantams and your jersey giants doing together?

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