Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

We had those in Wetumpka when I was growing up. I know this because my older brother took me hunting for them once.


somad.gif in Turtle Doves (Streptopelia turtur)? These are members of the bird family Columbidae not the bird family Phasianidae.


No, a different species not mentioned yet, fer sure...but not with these looong leggies!

My kid was sent lookin' fer Snipes at a Cub Scout's jamboree once!

But these are not a Snipe!

Has anyone said 3 French Hens?

Parlez-Vous Français?

Like these ....

Sorry, but not three French hens!

Phasianus colchicus torquatus group – Chinese ring-necked pheasants?

Holy cow and slop the pheasants! By jove--you got her RIGHT! I am very impressed & relieved!

Red Golden

The mystery babies are Red Golden pheasants or Chinese pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus).

Five golden RINGS as in Ring-necked pheasants were given on the fifth day (5 to 12 days, pheasants were gifted if we follow the song's instruction) of the Twelve Days of Christmas!

May 22, 2014 - Red Golden pheasant hen setting

The boys are just getting back into their feathers but you may SEE how pretty the adult males' feathers are!

The males have iridescent feathers--blue, green, yeller, orange & red! Blacks and browns ....purdy incredible for one bird.

Females are meant to hide but are still rather pretty in their own right.

Female Red Golden pheasant

Takes males about two years before they colour up--they look like the girls up until then...but have yellow irises, not female and baby brown.

Dec 2012 - Four males; two juveniles & two adults - note length of tail on older male!

The longest feathers to grow back in on the males are their tail feathers, which get longer every year.

these tail feathers are still growing in

From my Pheasant Keepin’ article:

four adult males

There are several colour mutations but the mystery babes should all be wild type as in the "Red Golden" variety.

colour mutation on the right

We do have one weird coloured male that has black in his face and his tail quills are black whereas the others are brown. I suspect this is a Lady Amherst (Chrysolophus amherstiae) crossing back in the one line.

The male Red Golden pheasants love to perch in the rafters in the evening and I can hear the leaping from rafter to rafter--clomp, clomp!

See those looong shanks & yellow iris

From what I have read about them in the wild, not really strong fliers preferring to run away hidden in the tall foliage but will burst up like the Ring-necked pheasants do to escape predators if pressured.

Rick has installed swinging perches (in the one outdoor run) for the boys, which they love.

Female Red Golden pheasant

We keep two females in the Cabin with one male (trio).

We also have six adult males in another coop with a trio of standard Buff Chantecler chickens.

With no girl pheasants to cause fights -- very happy group of bachelors.

See the one male looking up at me, use to me not being a threat

Thank you Chipper Chicken for your guesses and getting the mystery over!

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

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