Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta


Does Rick do up-dates?
Heel low:

Surgery went well...very well taken care of by hospital staff and of course, Rick was grand as my hero like always.

They took out some material to be biopsied (not lots thank heavens!) and will know from the pathologist report in a coupla weeks. I have no worries but will have to go back in five years over the normal ten year time span (oh goodie--another thing to remember to do for my birthday in 5 years time...have surgery!).

The first thing I did when Rick brought me home was grab the dogs and the camera. Twas a beautiful sunny day and warm...wonderful good fortune for the animals and us too. Creatures were all lazed back, sucking up the sunshine and enjoying the nice warm weather! Worked out happy on that help! Coulda easily been very nasty out and then boy I would not have been too pleased.

Sat on a chair I have out there in the Ram Pasture, tossing a bally...giddy to be home in our elements and throwing the ball out for them silly dougals.

Tails a swinging in happiness and joy.

Snow nose!​

This brought a huge laugh from me. Dogs are simply hilarious...all or nothing...they put everything they got into the game, eh.

"OK Sicky Pooper...I delivered the ball right into your hands...toss it! I'm roaring to GO!
Waited all morning for your return and now you better TOSS IT!"

I knew when I first got home that I had some reprieve to go do my rounds and check on all the work I did pre going away in the a.m.

Nov 11; the snow accumulated and has been slowing disappearing over time ever since.
Above freezing forecast for this weekend. Makes winter much shorter indeed.

Been getting ready for a while now...and laughed as before the snow hit, I moved some birds to the winter quarters...

Closed up the Veg Garden coop for the winter. One less trip to make now on my daily rounds.​

This is one of the caravans...some of the turkeys being moved to winter quarters. "Wagons ho!"​

Turkeys moved to winter quarters.​

All the preparations worked out rather well. Did all sorts of things like made sure and stocked up on feed in all the pens...all I had to do was fill up feed pans and check on their water supplies.

Only time I began to feel off was later yesterday evening...about the time the "artificial make you happy" drugs were wearing thin and the side effects of them came on. Had a wretched migraine and no want to eat...but had some fluids with some more jello (laughed and laughed...pre-operation you take some lovely items to make you clean out and I got a great laugh...because of the jello and Kool-Aid for rehydration<--never drink that stuff but part of the regiment they wanted you on...I was crapping BLUE. Told Rick I was a Smurf!). After a good night's sleep here...feel pretty good but still no real appetite but no worries...that will probably come back by this evening. Food glorious FOOD!

Went round and checked on in tow as I knew I would enjoy taking time out to just snap a few piccies of them creatures.

Wise knowing gaze from an old gal​

Here is one of my fav spoilt rotten Buff Chantecler hens...Chantelle...such a lovely old girl...she is over six years young and still hops up on my knee to visit. Yes, yes...I have done the UNthinkable...I save special treats for her in my pocket and HAND feed them to her...nope, never do that for any other bird but her. Special sweety Chantelle!

Don't she look regal...certainly no way would you EVER mistake her for a young bird...hee of the reasons why I love her so much!

Hilarious much colour and so them heritage bird birds.​

Blue Belle, LoREDa, and Lily - Loreda and Lily will be seven years old next turkey gals!

Smokey and their winter quarters.​

Pearl and their winter quarters too​

Speaking of the swans...I ordered up a set of three stone eggs for the next time the Australian Black Swans decided to shower us with eggs (5 in May and 6 in October thus far) got some pics of Pearl and her fake eggs. They could be bigger but for now, these will have to do until I can find bigger ones--need them to be 4 inches long by 3 inches wide.

I take the eggs out as she lays them and hold them in a cool but not freezable state.

I think Pearl approves!!

On Saturday, Rick took me to Red Deer to an antique show where I had made arrangements to pick up another item to complete my Chantecler cigarette paper I don't smoke I just like the antique theme of it being named after our own chicken breed of large fowl...the Chantecler! A little racy and raunchy (rolling papers, eh?) but heck, who says I have to behave all the time...hee hee...this is me being ever so wild (sure, sure...really bad bad bad??)<--heh heh heh...

I own these three dispensers above...and had only four booklets in my collection...

These are three cases of the booklets for the I can fill all three dispensers if'n I wanted to...I will however keep the double sealed case of 50 as is...expect it retains more of its value this way if left pristine and intact.

These Chantecler papers are immensely kewl as they have a watermark of a roo crowing in front of the sun and its rays streaming outwards, and the word CHANTECLER in a banner below it all. I am going to make it a project of mine to see if I am able to get a photograph of the watermark and post it here for you all to is really quite neat! A challenge in how to figure out how to capture the image...should be FUN! Anyone know how to take a photograph of a watermark on paper? Strong light behind the paper...???

Had a good laugh as the fella that sold these three cases (I have over 75+ paper booklets now and he also sold me the best conditioned of the tins I own) to me also forwarded me an advertisement of someone in Canada here trying to sell ONE booklet in bad condition for...wait for it...for $99 for the ONE booklet of papers...we had a good chuckle over that asking price!


Tis the season coming up, so starting to collect up stocking stuffers for Christmas for the immediate family. I find it a real challenge and extremely fun to find appropriate but not expensive things for our stockings. One year I found enamelled pins of the Chev Maple Leaf hood ornament for all of under ten bucks a piece. The fun and challenge for me is in finding neat items of not huge value but tailored special for each of us. The thought of it being personal for each person and the hunt for them is what makes giving them so much fun! By the time I am done, I can barely wait for Christmas morn to have everyone see what I was able to roust up.

I aced this hilarious tiny pin of a hatchling busting outta its egg for myself...a vintage Avon pin for all of three bucks...hee hee...bully!

Again, thanks for all the well wishes and the good giggle on Rick giving y'all an update...

Mr. Higgins was far too busy watching out that Mrs. Higgins was not out doing a face plant in the yard--flying high on operation drugs...acting more silly and stupid than usual, here at the ranch. LMBO

You could so hear the relief in his voice, talking to the kid last night! That so far, I am not going away on him any time soon. He's stuck with me...for a few more years anyhoo. Poor man! If he had off'd me when we first got together, he'd be out of jail by now for at least 7 years...heh heh heh...

Wizard of Oz, 1939; Dorothy Gale:
I'm home, I'm home...there's no place like home!


Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Glad ur back tara. Hope the results are good.

Hurray Tara's back- it seemed like you were gone forever. Please don't do too much too soon. Let Rick wait on you hand and foot.

Thanks guys!

Rick is gone to work today DD...hee hee... I don't do the hand and foot thing to well. He wanted to do stuff for me and kept pestering me yesterday. "Can I do water"...Can I go check the geese for you?" "Can I make you a big dinner?" I figure by the time I show someone how I do what I do...coulda just done it. LOL

I have NO patience for being down and out. Get up and get at her or just give up the ghost, eh.

Dug around and found a photo of the maple leaf pin I got as stocking stuffers for us a few years back...

Sure looks like the ones on the truck's eh? Expecting back in 1936...they would not have had all the abilities we do now. Costs would have been astronomical to replicate some of the doo dahs we just take for granted.

Technology is sure kewl...what they can do nowadays quickly and at economical prices too!

On our stovebolt page, I talk about getting a price quote from a jeweler on having one of these radiator insignias made as one of the Maple Leafs was missing hers...$800 was the quote...yikes. That one took me aback. I was patient and found an original one at a vehicle swap...for all of $25...yee haw!

Sometimes it just pays not to be in a rush or get your knickers in a knot on something...otherwise you can get idiotic and a hundred bucks for a pack of rollies...hee hee...

If it is meant to be, it will be. Sometimes if you have to fight too hard, maybe you have to ask yourself if there is a reason why it is not just flowing all into place. Don't mind hard earned successes but sometimes it was not suppose to happen and for really good reasons.

That is SO true, if you fight too hard. I liked(past tense) to say "Failure is NOT an option." I would break my back getting something I really wanted and once I got it thought - why did I want that in the first place? - ugh! I think I just like the hunt and the battle - after that it all goes down hill. I'm a scrappy little mama you know the' Chihuahua syndrome' -think you are Big, until someone knocks you down and uses you as a boot brush. Too much attitude, too little common sense.
Lol we had one of those red balls with the handle too! The dogs loved it and chewed the heck out of it. Then one day it was just gone...:idunno

A year or two later we made friends our neighbors down the road and heard about their dogs and their favorite, most loved toy. It was this big red ball with a handle on it, but they had NO IDEA where the dogs got it from! Did we ever get a good laugh out that and of course we let them keep the silly ball ;)
Good memories :)

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