Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

Heel low:

One of those days where I do follow babe was ordered a month ago, so contacted the sales person and yes, we have a VIN! Also got forwarded the window sticker. Perhaps ready beginning of February but also know not to get too celebrate what is known. Blue Babe is ordered, he has an identification number and he is in the works! WOOT!

Called Rick and he tells me good...maybe that is what he can be doing with this warmer trend coming in...ha ha ha... I would like to say I am not getting ramped up about this truck but hey, I'd be lying...hee hee...

Most exciting!

Found this shot of an East Indie and a Call Duck I did up on some dry erase boards...side by each to compare breed shapes!
Ducks indeed but NOT the same BREED, eh--different shapes!!

Some more food.

Kinda the same is done for meatloaf

Tried out doing some meatballs, not going to say spicy because they were not...flavourful tho!

Crackers (soup kind) and egg, to help bind the mixture

Absolutely hilarious...a melon baller works perfect to make meatballs the right size

So I did a quick search on the Net and found cooking instructs...
400F and done in ten minutes??

Not quite right...ten minutes times four times
I drained and turned the meaty balls

I thought 400F was kinda a hot temperature and well, it was not and not charded at all...but not done in ten minutes either...

While the pasta cooked, I added some heavy cream to a can of cream of mushroom soup...

Turned out delish and I will make this again. Rick said the meat was so flavourful, he broke each into three pieces to mellow the flavour out with the spaghetti.

Today, beef stew in the crock pot.

I stopped in town this morning and got fresh bread to it was -21C this morning but hearing we are to begin warming up some this above melting...sigh. Like to see it get a tad warmer but not that warm...slip sliding around...all this snow and ice will be puddly and muddy.

Always seems extremes. Not so bad just below freezing so why melt NOW...oh well. What to complain about past the weather, eh?

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Which of these four is the best for an e-mail addy provider...???

I've had the same personal e-mail addy for, oh like 20 er so the prospects of using one of the above is completely alien to moi!

Which of these four is the best for an e-mail addy provider...???

I've had the same personal e-mail addy for, oh like 20 er so the prospects of using one of the above is completely alien to moi!


I have #1 and #4, I will not use Hotmail as it is Microsoft controlled and they already know tooooo much about my Internet habits.
I prefer Yahoo over most of the others, and they all have been hacked in one way or another at some time or another.
good luck in your new Addy!!
Heel low:

Thank you DD and Scott...go to Best Son's today (yes, perhaps girls get some ice scream, I scream, we all SCREAM for ice cream!)....

Am told perhaps we can reconfigure Rick's original e-mail addy off our service not!

French toast, canned and frozen fruit, beat up on cream and pork sausages...

Well, breakfast most important meal of the day started the day off nice.

Pearl has given us the third said, slightly less heavy each time.

This makes from the now the fifteenth, like she laid us
ONE DOZEN Jumbo chicken eggs!!!!!

The second egg, got on the morning of the fourteenth...seems strange today this morn to find a third but perhaps the gal hid it, she is building a rather LARGE nest, hording every piece of straw in their winter pen.

While Rick popped the ice off the driveway with the snow bucket on the tractor...

Tethered...but whom is leading whom??

The girls and I went about doing extra chores we don't usually get to when its forty below...winterish a bit.

Boss Man...such a silly smirk upon his rammy face - he knows EXACTLY what I am up to, eh

Was just around hovering at zero, so I trimmed toes and dewormed the seven Dorpers and put Peanut and Melissa in the pen where Boss Man is. He serviced Peanut three times...Melissa, she peed for him and he smelt it and "Nope...she not be ready to be bred." So, being the gentleman he be...Boss Man shared his alfalfa with the two gals.

Peanut, Boss Man and Melissa having a snack

Peanut got pretty pushy and to my mind, MEAN to Boss Man, so after witnessing a few head butts and her being smaller (tho meaner) than Boss Man, decided they would not be sharing the ram's quarters--back to the ewe barn with the both of them it was. I am taking Peanut in again to be bred (if that happens) and then Melissa also to see if she begins to cycle on up having met the ram of her dreams (that be Boss Man...).

Peanut and Boss Man

So we can mark on our calendars, June eight to be looking for lambies from Peanut. The ewes cycle round about every 17 next few days bring Peanut to Boss Man, and then hold off till 17 more days, return and see if she is open or not receptive to breeding. Then at least I know she took yesterday and she's got bun or buns in the oven baking.

Most elated...will be extra awesome to have lambs beginning June 8th...that's a Thursday...and whilst I am still working, the is the other side of the week, working for the WEEKEND!!

DD, I was sent a notice that the April dog show is now accepting entries...I have the whole week off (spring or Easter break) and the show is March 31, April 1 (no fooling!) and April 2.

Lacy the red gal only needs three more points to get her CKC Conformation Championship and while we are not allowed to count our chicks BEFORE they bringing Emmy and Lacy, we can hope even if no other ACDs are entered and shown...Lacy or Emmy stand a great chance to earn one point per if Lacy whoops Emmy's butt all three days, we end the weekend with a new CHAMPION...or so the plans of mice and WOmen go. Here's hoping!

Judges are women for Herding Group, two are Canadian (Albertan and Saskachewan) and one lady is from Finland.

Boss Man and Melissa - note the different coat types
Melissa has the bestest shedding hair coat of all the Dorpers
I ponder what the babes will have...
Melissa's daughter from Tarzan seems to be a combo coat
and not seen D'Arcy completely shed yet--find out this spring

That be that...gotta go chaperone some breedings...Peanut and perhaps Melissa (but unlikely this fast...but never say never...Peanut blew my mind! "I'm ready...let's go get this happening already!").

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Hi Tara!
still here lurking and learning

I agree that you should have gotten the FRIEND badge, or more accurately, the mentor badge

I also agree that Yahoo is horrible. I too am saddled with Yahoo thru no choice of my own because of my landline/internet provider. They originally managed their own email system which was far superior but recently turned that over to Yahoo. Been a mess ever since. If another company ever becomes available in our very rural area I will definitely be switching providers. I also have a Google account which gives me zero problems.

ETA; I know nothing of how well the different providers function just across the border to our north. (that is above the shores of Gitchegumee)

As for the quiz;
How many shipped to yah hatching eggs did I say are required to get one breeding prospective trio from?

Breeding poultry is a science and a what?
an art

What comb type did some judged at a sanctioned show Chanteclers have?

Would you never succeed at this Fancy if you did not have a mentor?
No, if you are willing to do your own studying (but a mentor would surely help!)

Are you a lost case and a failure if you do not seek out a "jury of your peers or equals" to judge your breeding birds?

Do you have to exhibit your poultry to be a breeder that follows the words found in the Poultry Standards?
No (which is a good thing since I never plan to exhibit but do care deeply about producing the best quality birds I can)

Did I pass?
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Heel low or should I say ...

My son is also starting up his own business like we are and his logo made me smile...

I asked him what inspired him regarding this image, and he said he did a drawing years ago of Makins...

Our stuffed dog Makins!
I suppose there is a resemblance?

Rick and I celebrate 35 years today. Will have a nice dinner, both of us working today.

We do have an ongoing joke as Rick said we would never see even SEVEN years...well now it is five times seven not bad. The other thing we joke about is Rick will say, if one of us had killed each other and got convicted--we would be out by now! Usually murder entails a 25 year I guess we got ten more years for bad behaviours??

Some of the photos I have not posted on here...

I dewormed the Dorpers and found this insulated lunch bag great
To help keep the chemicals from freezing while I injected each sheep

Been noticing that the sheep have been going thru alot of salt/mineral
funny as you usually expect them to do that in warmer weather

In 2005, I made up enough adjustable halters with lead ropes for all the ruminants
These are made out of seiner fishing cord and wash up nicely
Very adjustable...for all sizes

The three Jacob ewes are impatient - "Hurry up and FEED us or we,
Or we will rush the gates!"

I guess I am in trouble because, harrumph...I fed the two llamas and doe goat before the three ewes!

I do alot of laughing at the girls...sometimes I cannot get over how much they act like each other
"Is that DAD coming home?"
Suppose they should act alike...they are dogs!!

Catching Emmy being mean to Lacy...making her snarl at her

"There!" Emmy says, "Made you snarl!"

Again...same as same...snow on faces

Snow as a background sure makes Lacy look pretty!

The snow is melting, but still dog belly deep!

I am off to peel shrimp and get the batter ready. Then afternoon bus run and a fun dinner with my Hero! Oh yes and the best part of his meal, always saves the best morsels for those two dogs...hee hee...later, eh.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

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