Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

My grandmother had quite a few of the Solomon's Seal at her place. I never knew they were such a great plant to have. Thanks for the info. Not sure dangle flowers will grow well here in Florida, but I really like those too, and am looking for plants that bees like. I'd like to start a beehive maybe next year, but have to have enough plants, and trees to feed them, so they'll stay.
My grandmother had quite a few of the Solomon's Seal at her place. I never knew they were such a great plant to have. Thanks for the info. Not sure dangle flowers will grow well here in Florida, but I really like those too, and am looking for plants that bees like. I'd like to start a beehive maybe next year, but have to have enough plants, and trees to feed them, so they'll stay.

Yeh, in another lifetime, I too would love to have honey bees...but settle that we planted shelterbelts and plants to feed the wild ones...them and the bumblebees.

Does not take long I hear to keep bees...little jobs that need doing but not horrendous amount of time...but time and energy is at a premium so I will be good and live through others keeping hives. Please advise us here if'n you do take up bees... :hugs

My father would play with bees and never get stung...some persons have the gift and I wonder if I do also... :confused:

I am in for an early lunch of chicken noodle soup (had a sore throat for a few mornings...bus germs that I will not be missing exposure too...count down is on, two more full days and, AND there will be nothing to stop my day, eh. No calling it quits because I have an afternoon run to do. Hee hee...begging for it to stop...and again, maybe not!

Time is flying by, so having WAY too much fun. Summer fun, drink deeply and enjoy, the white will be upon us soon and I will enjoy the different type of work, but fondly think back to the green times.

2013 female Pens Aus Black Swans Fire Ember and Black Pearl.jpg

2013 - Summer of the Pens

I think of the summer's gone past...the year of the swan...imported two females (pens) up from the Southern States...that was in 2013...Pearl and Ember filled my days that season. :D

2014 Veg for the kid aug 31  P1450256.jpg

Aug 31, 2014 - Veg for the Kid

In 2014, I focussed on gardening and man alive...what a fun time that was! :celebrate

Aug 23 2014 garden P1440317.jpg

Aug 23 2014

Did I enjoy that part of my get dirty genetics. Loved it.

Sep 7 2014  P1460500.jpg

Sep 7 2014 - that red shadow, left side...who could THAT be? :confused:

And of course, the little red hen scenario was in play...

Fixins sep 6 2014 P1450928.jpg

Sep 6, 2014

Fixins helped, kept me company and she got PEAS...

Sep 7 2014 harvest  P1460542.jpg

Sep 7 2014, harvesting the tender greens...GREENS!! :p

September seems to always warn us...with a whiteness at least once curing the end the season of green or at least, threaten it well.

dolgo sep 9 2014 P1460897.jpg

Sep 9, 2014 - the Dolgo covered

Gardening...such fun and risky long before it ends?? :confused:

f aug 25 2014 salad P1440769.jpg

August 2014 - Making the BEST of the Greens!!

f spinach salada aug 2014 P1430318.jpg

And of course, there was the summer of the pups...

2015 Aug 5 pups IMGP2182.jpg

August 5, 2015 ...first day here in Canada and run away with my :love

Emmy and Lacy came August 2015 and that year, was a year to get ready, revamp my puppy playground and then, suck it all in.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Heel low:

And last summer...ah yes, the summer of the Dorpers...Rick bought me my new breed of sheep and they too have swept me off my feet...

2016 jun 03 Dorper ewes  IMGP4921.jpg

June 3, 2016 - A new breed of ovine!
So this summer...summer of the lambs.

June 26 2017 IMGP4339.jpg

Èdy at top, Èd on left and Èva on right -
The Terrible Triad of Trouble! ;)
Celebrate the green and watch them bounce and grow...grow like BAAAd weeds. :ya

Èdy has doubled in size now plus half a pound...only a baker's dozen days old and she is a whomping 18.5 pounds...not so much a fat gal as a full filled out bruiser! Hairy girl and all...she is one to be excited about. I look forward to matching her up with the ram from the Australian genetics--Ferdinand...good things in the works.

The twins, Èva is 14 pounds and Èd is 17 pounds...31 pounds of lamb weight gained from Peanut, so minus birth weight of 16 pounds (both 8 pounds), that means the twins have continued to gain a pound a day...pretty decent...and compared to Èdy, she has gained 0.7 pounds a day by Snickers.

They are seriously nibbling green grass, so on the grow and becoming sheeps. :p

Dad spoiling the travelling girls...

Jun 17 2017 IMGP1932.jpg

Jun 17 2017

Jun 17 2917 IMGP1930.jpg

This is what came to me yesterday...what the ??? :hmm

Jun 26 2017 IMGP4072.jpg

One bonafied DIRT DAWG???

June 27 2017 IMGP4587.jpg

Jun 27 2017 - Thankfully, Lacy is lighter coloured??
I guess the saying, "every dog has her day" applies...Emmy dusted yesterday, Lacy dusted today, eh? :lau

Jun 26 2017 IMGP4546.jpg

Foamy awaiting dog run runs last eve

Doing the plant thingy...tis the right time of year...summer! :wee

June 26 2017 IMGP4081.jpg

Plant wise...we have been working on water plants...this is the first pond, fish pond before...and then last evening in the it was hot yesterday... :mad:

Jun 26 2017 IMGP4519.jpg

Potted up two marginal - front left side thar :)

Ten this post, eh...

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
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Shalom Benny:

Shalom Tara
Are you familiar with this?
I think you will like it :)

Thank you... :hugs

Yes, I have seen this, but honestly, not paid alot of attention to it. :p

The impression to me, is that it is not alot of work to keep bees, even the more traditional methods and I have driven past hives here and thought..."perhaps maybe one day." :lau

I have a very thick book on bee keeping too...when I buy the "how to book" on a topic, it is a serious interest...but I have only so much time and energy. Spread only so thin (like honey...num...on the coffee...oh my!).

Right now I look at the sheep and think, I need to shear and clip them...Boss Man needs his toes trimmed (I can get seriously hurt by an intact ram...I plan every detail and carefully ensure, I am at my VERY best before tackling him) and, and, and...AND...I need to begin halter training the triad of lambs and I have their registration papers all filled out and it would only take a half hour to see any one of these "need to do's" done. :p

Thankfully, only five more bus drives...and the ele netting can be strung out in the cool of the morn and the ewe flock with babes can go out to mow the perimeter ditches...because I do not have to pack them away, do not have to leave during the upcoming weeks on the week days...I can decide to clip/shear the sheep and if my back hurts after the first or second,,,I can quit and not find I have run out of time because it is time to go drive bus. I can push myself and quit...because I want to quit, not because I have a job to go do and I ran out of time. I can run out of energy...that's always a given.

I think we can grow old gracefully or make a nasty mess of it too. There is no fool like an old one. I have interests but now wisdom of age... I can admire and show interest and learn, but stop it there and then. I don't have to DO everything. :old

Because there is a million things on my to do list... that tells me that I must stay away from other interests because to not take that spare half hour and remove the coating on one of the sheep, or take up some halter training, registered the Dorpers, can you justify a hive or bees or any of the millions of interests I know so many of us here have. :cool:

I will live thru others doing things that I find them and their bees...for now at least... :barnie

Jun 26 2017 IMGP4508.jpg is outside, bottom is inside

Jun 27 2017 IMGP4843.jpg

Shady areas - fur nappings!
And I like room like 20C.... :(

But I will do what needs doing...had the five raised tubs ready...composted bedding, all tossed up and waiting...waiting for strawberry plants! I tried last year ordering ones that were suppose to be hardy for our area...NOT !!! :tongue

Jun 26 2017 IMGP4483.jpg

Bought these strawberries locally (and three goji or Lycium barbarum/chinense berry plants!). They may or may not make it through winter here but I am going to try one more time...before I give completely up on strawberries. :he

Jun 26 2017 IMGP4501.jpg

Yesterday afternoon,
I got all the strawberries planted and waterered in well!

Jun 26 2017 IMGP4504.jpg

There are flowers on these transplants and some even have berries...we shall see. Berries would be nice but over the winter, now that to me is the test I am waiting for them to pass. Time will tell.

Jun 27 2017 IMGP4862.jpg

Have the Moms and Babes mowing the swan, goose and shelduck areas.

Jun 27 2017 IMGP4830.jpg

Jun 27 2017
The meter to our gas main is located in this area... ;)

Jun 27 2017 IMGP4707.jpg

So guess what gender this lamb is...come on...GUESS??? :confused:

Jun 27 2017 IMGP4687.jpg

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
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