Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

Heel low:

Waiting for the senior bus.

At a bus stop perhaps? :confused:

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Bus stops can be strange places... :hmm

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Hmm. Tara when school is out maybe you could moonlight as a driver for senior transportation. Do they have such a thing in Canada?

Well you made me go looking DD! :p

Bus Passes Communities may offer people who are 65 years of age and over a bus pass at a reduced cost. You must supply proof of age when applying and may be asked to supply income information. For information about public transportation and bus passes, contact your municipality.

Seniors Driving Services Many communities offer driving services for seniors.

Volunteers will drive seniors to destinations such as doctor appointments, shopping centres or social outings. There is often a minimal fee. Private services are also often available. For more information about seniors driving services, contact your local information centre (see pages 55-56) or the Family and Community Support Services office listed in your telephone directory.

So a reduced rate on a bus pass and some areas have special white buses...I've seen them making on route trip to bingo! :cool:

Course one does have to be careful about the area you are traversing, eh. :eek:


I do like not having to do any bus driving in the summer time...cleaned my bus, she's parked and I don't hafta think about it till end of August er so. :p


That 4.5 to 5 hours of time sure comes in handy dandy to do the summer stuff, eh...


BUT if I could get this bus or even this one below, we'd be doing loser laps...that is for sure! :love


I also think this conversion is GREAT! :lau


But sometimes some buses...well they just aren't all that :cool:

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This one just SUCKS...

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As does this one! :hmm
Heel low:

Shalom Tara

We use it a lot, for tea, in cold water with a slice of lemon, I had 2 plants, and YESTERDAY I have noticed one is dead.

You can dry the leaves for future use.

And it is wonderful against stomachache and VAMPIRES!

So no problem with Dracula comming for a visit! :lau

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Shalom Benny... :hugs

YAH! As have given me some great information. :ya

I had read it was good for making ICE TEA which I do enjoy year round here. The citrus or lemony taste would explain that. :D

You say that one of your Verbenas is dead...DANG! Not the vampires that killed it, more likely the zombies got it.

I so ever want a couple of zombie pink Flamingos to go in the orchard to trash it up...


Maybe one Mother's Day I'll ask the good son for a pair? :lau

All that nice, free, cut, firewood in such abundance, is a blessing. I googled verbena tea, and there are several places to order it from. It's not too expensive. I read the benefits, and drawbacks to it. I may just have to give it a try myself. Your lambs are just too cute! Love the colors in the halters, and leads.

Thanks @getaclue :hugs

There is another pile of UNcut firewood in the same does make the trip longer cutting it up but Rick mentioned he may cut it in larger logs and finish the job here at home. Dunno.

The colourful halters are completely impractical on adults, the plastic it is made of slips too readily and off the adults are. Learned that bringing the ram home. Had tied him high in the big trailer as we were only ten minutes away, he slipped the halter easily. I use the rope ones I made and have some leather and some nylon ones that work better. Glad these plastic ones found a use.

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Snickers is modelling one of the halter/leads I braided up
YES I certainly would. The bus picks me up half a block from my house. Everyone else gets picked up in front of their house but I get penalized because I can walk. Also I'm at the end of a dead end street and they hate backing up the bus.

Oh I would surely love the adult swings. Oh how I loved swinging as a kid. I weigh much more now - hope I wouldn't bring a swing set crashing to the ground. Might also need a seat belt so I don't fall off. Seniors need to be careful. Ha
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Heel low:

So when the Grimm Reaper comes for you, how do you want to go? :pop

In a big ball of flames, in yer birthday suit sliding down a ski hill? :barnie Stepping in front of a speeding bus to save a bevy of road crossing ducks? Rob a bank and be shot in the process...on national TV for all to see (he lost it, he wanted a GOOD retirement & they DID deny him his pension),,, Dramatic or like Rick has said, he steps outside and falls down dead (he's ensured I can manage the corpse...the tractor has two buckets and the BBQ in the Man Porch IS large enough to contain the ensuing f@t fire). My one BIL went after losing all his sensory perceptions...he literally died alone inside himself and it took a long year for that to happen. A friend of ours died screaming of an inoperatable brain tumour, some of cancer, some by accident (sportsman drowned along with his beloved dog in the Pacific), there are the usual heart attacks and strokes that take many of us; my SIL just had a heart attack (thought it was indigestion--yeh, musta bin SOME meal, eh!) and she is exactly MY age.

Nothing living gets out of here alive as my son so whimsically says. :lau

Two days ago I was sitting admiring the Summer of the Ovine Lambs...noted that they act SO like a pack of puppies do. Romping, pouncing, head butting, trying to maintain leader of the pack at any cost...Èden is so much like a pup I am constantly amazed. All the lambs are. Sitting there admiring them roaring about while the Moms much forage. Happy to be living and lively. Èden comes up for no other reason than to check me out, bends down and yup, just like packs of pups do, next thing I know, she's gone and my shoelace is undone. Three times later, I have to bend over and retie this lace because obviously at my age, bending and tying are a thing of the past. :old

Go down to check on them before I start up on another project...yup, what did HyBlade and Fixins and all the dogs do...not good enough to lay on the lawns, nope, any lawn chair was THEIR chair...there is Èd, standing on my chair...surveying his KINGdom from a high. King of the Chair is more the norm here...than Hill. Again, what dogs do. Funny that...and people usually don't want to hear that animals usually destined for MEAT resemble PETS like our cats and dogs do. That they have feelings, personal relations of family ties, that cows lick their adult children, because they KNOW them as sons and daughters...that sheep sit in chosen social groups when given a choice...of their friends and family members...that chickens know each other and form pecking groups like social casts in human society and roos pick out choice treats that are beak delivered TO their favourite hens. That beasts that give us their lives to eat them, are civilized and have culture, likes and dislikes, social order and manners. Most humans don't want to accept that from their food that has to die so that we may live to eat meat.

And I know, one day my time will come...the Raven will call my name and that will be that. ;)

I do have to laugh. That Market Garden we made a pilgrimage to for the burgers and onion rings...the one with the hot sports car parked illegally...sheesh!, I picked up a free magazine. I do enjoy the recipe ideas to read on the school bus in the afternoon while chaperoning the boarding students before we may leave to take them all home. Well did I ever have an this...on like page 15 (after all the ads for self indulgence--skin & body rejuv, yoga & pilates bar, Vanity Vault where you can get yourself a hair/tan/teeth/makeup/brows or wax, or a maid service for luxury SHOW home care) and takes up one whole page...


Written by none other than novelist Lucy Maud Montgomery (Anne of Avonlea)

I like simple pleasures too...the meaning of life held up by a chicken sunbathing in the sand...but truly...since when do pearls fall off a string? Doncha know that proper pearls are knotted between and at best you might shake one off their string...ONE...and if'n pearls do fall, there is nothing SOFTLY as they knock about and PING into each other...heaven forbid they are being worn at some high falooting gala with marble floors and high polished auditoriums. Oh well...this quote gets a huge thumbs down from me. :hmm

Since when did it become fashionable to roll over and be sedate? I suppose if chaos reins supreme in your life...a simple day of nothing would be a God sent but truly?? :rolleyes:

Holy cows! Get out of my way and let me live if you aren't up to much. :wee

I heard on the radio the other morning...15% of people go wonder I keep seeing these neon white persons in the summer time...merely traversing between air conditioned bistros to the night clubs. Sheesh. Saturday Night Live had a good one the other day, the whole comedic persons I don't normally meld well with...not my age group no mores, but they did a skit that had me howling...


Alone in your basement suit at your parent's house...feeling lonely...try GOing OUTSIDE!

They are like people, real people just outside... :frow Life is go and get on it!! :lau

I already KNOW I'm a Keener and that flies as well as a lead balloon :th in case my label of perfectionist doesn't stick (silicon...yeh). :tongue

Every day in Pear-A-Dice, just another a blessing.

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Mowers...can you hear the HMMMM??

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See how I have disassembled my concrete ornaments
so the ewes don't crash and bust them
Yes, like bulls in a China shop!! NO gracefulness

I consider what happens here to be simply beautiful, but it has never just happened, fallen in place like magic. Requires work...the place is fenced and RE-fenced so the creatures that frolic here do so in peace...if things go UNharmonic...we alter them to suit the changes. The four ewes that don't have lambs...are grouped together. You add moms and lambs and they will fight and the lambs get hurt in the process. Harmony does not happen. It could be Wild Kingdom mayhem in seconds.

No string of pearls softly slipping...nothing slips without hurting...LMBO :he

Is my world essence not. Is what I feel betcha. :love

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Lacy, pond side amusing herself while Rick watches & waits
for me to get Foamy so we can go do Dog Run Runs

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So plum happy...

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Just her image gives me goosebumps

I go again on Friday afternoon for another medical visit ... obviously the mammograph has incited further investigation. Not sure if it is for another radiogram or ultrasound. It is what it is and best to live in these know is power, to ignore is at your own peril. Could be nothing, could be something; don't know.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Heel low:

So where there were flowers this spring...there shall be an abundance of fruit? :p

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A gift from Rick jest fur moi!

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The Saskatoons have berried up and just a bit more sunshine...

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The strawberries are fruiting - by Jove these ones may be THE ones!

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And an anxious audience awaits!

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Patience is a virtual and the dogs deserve berries
They kept me company and inspected the proceedings

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Now ready?? :lol:

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Apples too...

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Lotsa Crabapples on this one...

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Another set of apples with a pretty blush

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

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