

Apr 9, 2023
Jumbo Pekin owner here- we’ve battled leg issues due to niacin deficiency, then joint infections, for the 10 months we’ve had him. My guy has dropped 3 lbs in 3 months and is battling what we thought was another joint infection, but a joint tap turned up nothing but red synovial fluid and he’s got a big swollen hock joint. He’s been on Meloxicam and an antibiotic since October, twice daily, and we aren’t sure if the antibiotic or the pain is causing him to lose his appetite/weight. So, we had a sad vet visit today that basically said that this is his life now and added a script for tramadol to see if it helps with the pain and brings his appetite back. We will stop the antibiotic after it’s run out. If it doesn’t help, we were told that it might be time to make a tough call.

Some things to note: 1- i felt the antibiotic was kind of working, just slow to take effect. He does take tiny steps around now and the joint is not AS swollen and not hot to the touch anymore, so I think maybe it is helping. 2- the antibiotic was prescribed in October for an infection in his left leg joint (his right is what’s bothering him now) and it took a long time to work too; he was on it for 12 weeks and he’s been on it for this new infection or whatever it is, for 8. He’ll be out of it in two weeks. 3- he does have an appetite when i bring the food to him, which I do several times a day. I’m thinking he’s not getting enough when I do give him the bowl. He’s sharing it with another jumbo Pekin who is a realllll jumbo and kind of a bully. But he doesn’t eat well if he’s separated, so it’s hard.

I guess I just wanted to poll the group to see if there’s anything else you’d do; I do believe that he wants to live and that there are moments in his day that are bright and he’s happy. I don’t know how long tramadol and meloxicam alone can help keep him comfortable. To me, he’s still just a baby and deserves so much more.
That is a long time to be on an antibiotic are you also giving him any probiotics since antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria?

I vote the antibiotic is causing him not to have an appetite.
Is there any way you can have the 2 together but in separate spaces in other words maybe separate them with fencing of some kind so the one having difficulty can still be with the bully but they can eat separately? Even a dog crate would work.

If things get worse after being off the antibiotic for a while, then maybe put him back on one but give his body a chance to recoup from being one this so long.
What is the antibiotic and has the vet mentioned trying a different one?

It's wonderful you are giving him every chance at life.
That is a long time to be on an antibiotic are you also giving him any probiotics since antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria?

I vote the antibiotic is causing him not to have an appetite.
Is there any way you can have the 2 together but in separate spaces in other words maybe separate them with fencing of some kind so the one having difficulty can still be with the bully but they can eat separately? Even a dog crate would work.

If things get worse after being off the antibiotic for a while, then maybe put him back on one but give his body a chance to recoup from being one this so long.
What is the antibiotic and has the vet mentioned trying a different one?

It's wonderful you are giving him every chance at life.
Thank you so much! We tried Clavacillin in between, but he didn’t have an appetite at all with that antibiotic so he went back on the original one- Sulfamethoxazole/TMP. The vet did say he’s been on it a long time, basically since October with no breaks so it was time to take him off and try to manage the pain and recoup, but then said it was ok to finish out the rest of the script so I’m conflicted. He did not recommend any others, my impression was that he thought the infection was gone and what’s remaining is damage. I also think I took that, then, as this is the end of the line, and I’ve been distraught since leaving the appointment.

I haven’t been giving him probiotics- i do have some though, so we’ll start that ASAP. I didn’t even think about that.

I can separate them, we bought a play yard when we brought him back from anesthesia for the joint tap and thought we’d have to keep him indoors for a few days (ended up only being 1.5 because he absolutely hated being inside, even when I brought his bully brother inside with him). So, I can definitely use that to section them off in the run while still allowing for them to be near each other.

I really love this duck, I would do anything for him, his hatchmate, or any of the animals in my care. I owe him all that and more as soon as I brought him home ❤️
It's great you are willing to give him all you can to help. Get him on the probiotic and I guess at this point it is wait and see once you finish up the antibiotic. Hopefully his appetite will return as his tummy starts getting good bacteria back in it.
Are you still giving him any niacin? Most of us have determined that Pekins especially Jumbo should be on Niacin supplementation for life. They are so heavy it is hard on their legs. Can you get liquid Liquid B complex for support? 1ml daily over a small amount of treat.
It's great you are willing to give him all you can to help. Get him on the probiotic and I guess at this point it is wait and see once you finish up the antibiotic. Hopefully his appetite will return as his tummy starts getting good bacteria back in it.
Are you still giving him any niacin? Most of us have determined that Pekins especially Jumbo should be on Niacin supplementation for life. They are so heavy it is hard on their legs. Can you get liquid Liquid B complex for support? 1ml daily over a small amount of treat.
I am! He gets a capsule over food every day. I’m also putting liquid B in their water but thinking maybe to support him it’ll be better to start mixing it on top of his peas…. I did that when they were babies and they liked it. Thank you so much for your advice!
If you put it over his peas you know he is getting his full dose. Putting it in water dilutes it down too much and they also waste a lot too.

Please keep us updated on how he is doing.
Any advice on how to help him gain weight? I ordered the probiotics but they won’t arrive til Friday. I’ve been offering frozen peas and melon in the mornings which he’s eating. Peas again during his swim time. Pellets all day, which he may or may not eat. He went from 10 lbs at the beginning of this, to 7. He’s a jumbo Pekin so 7 is thin, and I can feel his pelvis when I pick him up when I could not before, so that’s very alarming to me. I hope the break from antibiotics, and the probiotics help his stomach feel better and if it’s not that, that the pain meds he was prescribed (tramadol + the meloxicam) help him feel more comfortable so his appetite comes back, but I have to figure out how to get more calories into him…
Do you have a dog or cat? my flock loves dry dog food they get it as a treat it's what my mini dachshund eats too. It might be worth trying some and see if he likes it. My Muscovy would most likely eat just dog food if I gave it to them. It will have to be small bites or broken up with a hammer to make it small enough he won't choke. Or wet it down. I use it to give Cosequin to my old Muscovy drake I sprinkle the consequin over the small amt of dog food then put a small amount of warm water over it let the water soak in then give it to my drake.
I'm not sure what else you could feed him.
Do you have a dog or cat? my flock loves dry dog food they get it as a treat it's what my mini dachshund eats too. It might be worth trying some and see if he likes it. My Muscovy would most likely eat just dog food if I gave it to them. It will have to be small bites or broken up with a hammer to make it small enough he won't choke. Or wet it down. I use it to give Cosequin to my old Muscovy drake I sprinkle the consequin over the small amt of dog food then put a small amount of warm water over it let the water soak in then give it to my drake.
I'm not sure what else you could feed him.
I do! I can try that. The dog food we give our dog is pretty fancy- it’s beef/barley. I guess the kind doesn’t matter much it’s just the protein right? Thank you so much!
Cooked rice he might like too you could make up some dry dog food cooked rice and some of his feed mix it together and see if he'll eat it. He may even like it moist. I'd try a small amount to start with just to see what he likes. Once he starts on the probiotic and gets the good bacteria back into his system his appetite hopefully will pick up.

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