July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

Also, major power outage this morning, most of the town was affected. Not sure how that is going to play out with the eggs. I kept them as warm as I could, temp didn't drop too bad, but still it was a drop. For quite some time.

I've read on a thread that a person lost power for like 17 hours and still had a respectable hatch rate (above 75%). Cooler temps. for a short period, I wouldn't sweat it. Talk about timing and Murphy's law...
today is hatch day, and I'm already at 4 chicks! 1 died trying to get out of the shell, 7 more in the incubator. No pips or anything on those though, not terribly hopeful but it's still early right?

barnyard mixes!
Had some issues with heat. I keep my incubator in an old mobile home and it doesn't have an air conditioner. It was doing fine earlier when it was 92 out, but lately it has been 98-99 degrees out, and it gets hotter inside. So I ended up losing a few chicks and eggs to the heat. The last chicks are almost all hatched now. I ended up just leaving the incubator open during the heat of the day so the temp. inside wouldn't get as high. It seemed to work better that way. The humidity in the room was 50% so it all worked out.
OK, question. Most sites say that the whole clutch should hatch out within a 24 hour period. Today is day 21, and my first pip was about 36 hours ago (chick didn't make it), first hatch was yesterday while I was at work. So does that mean that if nothing else pips today before I get home from work that I'm probably done? I did set 1 egg about 16 hours after the others, so I will be giving that an extra day, but is it common for a couple eggs to hatch and then 2 days later a couple more from the same set date?
Trying to be optimistic on day 20 but feeling a little leery. Had one egg shell kicked out of the nest box last night. I nearly lost my mind with excitement until I got close enough to smell. So now we are down to 10 from the original 15 that she is still sitting on.

I don't know if anything has pipped because I'm trying to leave the hen alone. We have only seen her off the nest 2 times in the past 3 weeks! The next 2 days are going to be very long!
Candled last night, day 14. Everything looks good. Only have 1 that i think is a no go. Looks kind of sloshy. Will candle it again tonight to make sure.
Great progress everyone!!!
OK, question. Most sites say that the whole clutch should hatch out within a 24 hour period. Today is day 21, and my first pip was about 36 hours ago (chick didn't make it), first hatch was yesterday while I was at work. So does that mean that if nothing else pips today before I get home from work that I'm probably done? I did set 1 egg about 16 hours after the others, so I will be giving that an extra day, but is it common for a couple eggs to hatch and then 2 days later a couple more from the same set date?
I have seen others here and also had eggs set on the same day hatch 2 days apart. I would give the remaining eggs till Day 23rd if there is no smell and still here activity. On mine I did remove the earlier hatched chicks after 24 hours though I know they can survive on 3 days on the yolk they absorb.
I have seen others here and also had eggs set on the same day hatch 2 days apart. I would give the remaining eggs till Day 23rd if there is no smell and still here activity. On mine I did remove the earlier hatched chicks after 24 hours though I know they can survive on 3 days on the yolk they absorb.
Thanks, I did take the 4 chicks out this morning (one I needed to tape feet, and they were not drying well in the humid incubator). I ran home at lunch and still no pips, nothing. The eggs got knocked around quite a bit by the stumbling chicks, and I'm wondering if that had some effect? If there's nothing by this evening I'm going to candle and do the float test. I haven't heard any sounds or seen any wiggling eggs though so I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to save any more.

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