July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

Exciting stuff. Yes, can only imagine how sleep deprived we're going to be once we see pips moving eggs. The urge to open the incubator and move chicks must be incredible. Committed to total lockdown until we call time on the hatch.

Seeing pips and going to bed must be like waking to Christmas as a kid the next day.

I think it is slightly more nerve wracking ; ) But, I had 2 out this morning and 2 more now with one still slowly zipping and one pipped and taking its time. the 4 that are out are 2 yellow chicks, one dark, maybe black and one very silver chick... so pretty!
I can't believe it! Our first time broody has hatched 2 eggs. Technically it is day 20 as I didn't give her the eggs to sit on until the late afternoon on the 1st.

So far two chocolate orpington chicks have hatched.

Everyone is doing so well! Got home and float tested my remaining 7 eggs... Nothing. Got into them to find dead chicks tjat had died just before absorbing the yolk sacs. What would cause this? 4 hatched, 7 didnt make it to hatch? So confused.
Everyone is doing so well! Got home and float tested my remaining 7 eggs... Nothing. Got into them to find dead chicks tjat had died just before absorbing the yolk sacs. What would cause this? 4 hatched, 7 didnt make it to hatch? So confused.

I don't know, but please post if you find out.

As for me, I discarded a PPR egg that had cracks. The embryo wasn't moving. Son and I cracked it to confirm the embryo had died. Sad but great learning opportunity.

39 left. I'm slightly discouraged because I paid for each of the 6 I had to discard, while the 9 barnyard mix eggs that were given to me are going strong. Does hatch rate count from started or from developing or from lockdown?
Final count of 319 chicks hatched. I am really pleased with how things turned out. Sold 50 of the mixed breed chicks and will hopefully sell the other 62 in the next day or so.
Yay he just came out right now but still has yellowish thing attached. I'm guessing it's just his yolk or umbilical cord . It was so eggciting! =D

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