July Hatch-A-Long

Thanks for posting that. Very useful to know.
Well I might have to run one more batch late this year once my younger birds start laying because this one was a bust for sure. Set 22 eggs, only like 9 made it to lock down. 3 hatched, probably only 2 are going to make it. Jeezus... terrible.
And in other news my other older chick's are just dying away. Everyday I have to dispose of 2 or 3 some with a broody, some I hatched and brooded. Darn you coccidiosis... sucks
And in other news my other older chick's are just dying away. Everyday I have to dispose of 2 or 3 some with a broody, some I hatched and brooded. Darn you coccidiosis... sucks

My broilers had coccidiosis last year. It was terrible! I gave them a little bit of medicated feed and then put some garlic on it. I also put a little bit of apple cider vinegar in their water. I know it sounds weird but we didn't lose a single broiler. I hope you can get rid of it.
I have a broody cochin sitting on 25 eggs in the coop. I don't want her to take on any more eggs, how can I segregate her so she can just concentrate on the 25 she's sitting on now. The other hens will take turns sitting with her so I don't know what to do, I don't want her to be alone?

Sent from the coop

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