Jumbo pekin sleeps alot


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2023
Hi, I wanted to ask if it’s normal for my jumbo pekin to lay and sleep a lot during the day.
He eats and drinks water plenty, no problem. And walks around just fine and swims just fine. I just noticed I catch him sleeping a lot and just wanted to make sure there is nothing to worry about… Let me know!
Thank you!
Hi, I wanted to ask if it’s normal for my jumbo pekin to lay and sleep a lot during the day.
He eats and drinks water plenty, no problem. And walks around just fine and swims just fine. I just noticed I catch him sleeping a lot and just wanted to make sure there is nothing to worry about… Let me know!
Thank you!
Any other ducks with him to interact with?
If he’s eating and drinking and foraging with his new friends then I wouldn’t worry. Poop looking normal? Does he walk around foraging with his new friends?
How old is he and does he have duck-specific food? He might need an extra niacin boost.
If he’s eating and drinking and foraging with his new friends then I wouldn’t worry. Poop looking normal? Does he walk around foraging with his new friends?
Okay and his poop is normal! He’s probably just trying to relax now that the other two are away since they drove him crazy
Ducks will actually sleep during both the day and the night. Mine like to take a lot of naps, and therefore are active in the day as well as the night. They just tend to have certain times when they're most sleepy.
Mine run around like crazy making all kinds of noise[ especially the girls] then it will be so quiet I have to go check on them and they are all scatterd around sleeping.
Yeah, I have a jumbo who lays and sleeps a lot during the day. He'll still get around as he wants, but it is too hard for him to keep up with the rest of the boys all day. He much prefers chilling in a bush or the pool opposed to foraging with the others. Just an unfortunate effect of being bred for meat. Sounds like you're doing the best you can for him!

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