Jumping off the deep end

Ooo! I would be afraid to put any of my chicks outside when they are that small. I would be like ringing a dinner bell for the Crows and Magpies! I am beginning to learn that Magpies are quite the little preditor and they work together in small flocks. I watched them one day form a "military line" and walk across my field in perfect formation herding grasshoppers. Once they got the grasshoppers cornered, they had a feast. Now the Magpies have figured out how to get into my hen house and they are breaking open eggs. They are becoming quite a nusience.
Oh, we sit in a chair right with them. I'm quite paranoid about losing any of them. :) They are almost 2 weeks old now and are doing so well. We love watching their games of "keep away" when we give them treats. Ramen noodles and blueberries seem to be the favorites at this point - well, other than grasshoppers and crickets.

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