Just a little intro…


Aug 4, 2023
Hey Now!

New chicken tender here…. Got my first four hens(two buff orpingtons and two Rhode Island reds) in April of 2023 and as you can imagine, that escalated quickly. Added three Ayam Cemani birds to the gang and currently on the first day of Lockdown waiting on three little eggs to hatch! My dream is to add more in the future… the uglier, the weirder… the better. 🤣❤️🐣

A little about me… new englander living in the south. married with two little girls. Raising and caring for chickens has brought so much joy to not only myself, but everyone in my home. And my girls are enjoying learning right along with me!

When not raising kids and chicks, I can be found snowboarding, hiking, attempting to garden and going to concerts.

Shoutout to @Barnyardgroupie for sending me my current little nuggets incubating and telling me about this forum, I look forward to connecting with other and learning all that I can from a lot of you!


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