Just a quick update


8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
North Alabama
My step father passed early yesterday morning around 1:40 A.M. It was surprisingly quick and easy. We were given the worst case scenario of what to expect and I am glad it was so easy for him.

Meanwhile, Mom had to be rushed to the hospital the day before. Her oxygen dropped to 40 percent and she had a fever of 104 F. She is still in the hospital being treated for pneumonia, exhaustion, and dehydration. She is responding well to treatment but they want to keep her as long as possible to help her res. My sister stepped in when our step father died and took over, in a good way.

Even though I knew it was coming, I was still in shock. My sister is an experienced RN and has been a home caregiver so she knew exactly what to do. She is handling all the arrangements. It feels weird because I had handled everything for our parents for so long. I keep offering to help but I think she really wants to do this so I haven' been pushing.
I'm sorry to hear of your stepfather's passing. It's good that he went easily, and with his family around him.

I hope your mother recovers quickly. Pneumonia's nasty - I hope she listens to the doctors and gets some rest!

Sounds like your sister is being a real blessing - which will give you a chance to get some rest, too. Take advantage of it; your mother will need you more than ever when she comes home. However much you may try to prepare for it, a loss is still a loss when it happens, and it takes time to adjust to the new shape of "normal."

Hugs for you all in this painful and difficult time.
Thank you for the condolences.

I picked my mother up form the hospital today. My uncle flew in from California. It is the first time they have seen each other in almost thirty years. My mom was so happy to see him.

Because I have been so distracted, I did not pay close attention to my fencing, and my Russian Orloffe rooster and all but two of my Orloff hens disapeared! I looked all over and found no sign of foul play but i had to rush to the funeral home to finale arangments then pick mom up form the hospital. We stopped to pick up mom's prescriptions and when mom and I walked back out to the car, we found someone had damaged my windshield. I now how a large crack in the windshield around a foot long.

Despite my Uncle being in town and getting to meet him, I am less than thrilled with the day at the moment. Still I am glad mom is home and doing better
Thank you Wendy, MamaRoo. I am able to get along all right but I am worried about my mother. She was married to him for 24 years. It is easy to forget how much someone means to you, or how much they do that makes your life better until they're gone.

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