Just an idea for an image database, any thoughts?

Looks like a possibility. Any way you could set it up with a pic of each of the main colours on the home page as a link to another page for that particular colour with links to each pattern? A single page obviously won't work well, but at least you have the base for it. I'm willing to help with it if you want. As a group we should be able to get a large number of photos together for such a database. However, as George so kindly pointed out in another thread, we need to be sure they are photos that are not lifted from elsewhere on the net. These need to be all new photos from those that are willing to have them in the database. It may also help to put the owner's name on the caption (photo submitted by: actual name) This way, at least that person can take responsibility for that photo.

I've also noticed on some of the other free websites that storage space is limited - we'll need 500MB to 1GB of space for decent quality photos
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Thanks for the input, Arbor.
I don't think there's any way to have one main image per color as you suggest, but I figured out how to have headings for the main colors that will pull out all examples of that color. I'll just keep working on it and see how it goes.
By the way, if anyone here has tech skills feel free to give advice - I'm low tech!
I havn't visited the link yet New2 but I will contribute pictures of all my adult males this spring when they are in full train again.I think it's necessary also at this early time,to find out what colors-patterns us BYC'ers has by compiling a list,,so we know what colors and patterns are needed yet. I would also suggest a way to watermark each pic submitted,Zazouse seems to have watermarks on all her posted pics,perhaps this is a free shareware thats easy to use and each pic can have the owners names attached? With the birds I have,I can submit pictures for the following birds that I know is correct,,heres my list staring with Peacocks first

1)Opal B/S male
2)Midnight B/S male
3)India Blue male
4)India Blue B/S male
5)Purple Black Shoulder Silver Pied
6)Black Shoulder Silver Pied
8)India Blue Pied
9)Charcoal Dark pied W/E

1)India Blue
2)India Blue B/S
3)Black Shoulder Silver pied
4)Silver pied
5)Dark pied
7)Opal Black Shoulder
9)Opal Pied
11)Purple Pied
12)Purple Black Shoulder

A repetitive same chick pic could be used for all B/S peachicks,,Whites it wouldn't be necessary to show both sexes of peachicks as with some other colors since both sexes looks the same.If we would wingband chicks at hatchtime and continually take pics of that chick every 2 months to show the changes in barring and coloring as it occurs that would be very helpful to many.It would be a guess on some chicks until they get 4-6 weeks old such as IB where the barring disappears on hens,,same with Bronze. I would need to change my wingbanding habits tho,as I don't normally wingband until I've decided on keepers or when shipping them to help the new owners identify them.Maybe in some examples such as white peachicks a pic of a white next to a yellow b/s chick should be put up? White chicks wouldn't need growth pics,since they don't change except for size.We can set this up correctly the first time and do it right.Of we get to the point of some colors we don't have amongst us here,we could then ask other breeders who do have those colors about sending us pics givingthem full credit with the watermark.but we would need to notify them in early spring asking for help so they could get pics of chicks and adults in full train.
I have the following birds I could take photos of:

Adult males:
Opal BS
Midnight BS
Cameo BS
Peach Pied (poss w/e) turning 2
Indian Blue BS

Subadult Males:
Purple BS
Indian Blue
Indian Blue Silver Pied
Indian Blue BS Silver Pied

Midnight BS
Indian Blue BS
Purple Silver Pied
Indian Blue
Indian Blue BS

Subadult Females:
Indian Blue Silver Pied
Cameo BS

Chicks would be a problem for me with the exception of the sex-linked colours as almost all my breeding is going to involve colour crosses.
Oh I'm flattered, thank you! :p

I think there should be an album of each color (like yours), then sub-albums within each one with the different patterns (barred wing, solid wing, silver pied, pied, etc.)? Maybe sub-albums in THOSE of male/female. Having them organized by age, youngest to oldest, and labeled as such, would be a bonus.

I can provide more photos of youngsters:

India Blue Black Shoulder Silver Pied - pair
India Blue Black Shoulder - male
India Blue Pied - male
Bronze(?) - hen
Opal Silver Pied - pair (adult male and adolescent hen)
Opal Black Shoulder - male
Purple - hen
Purple Pied - hen

It's definitely a start. :)
Hey, thanks all of you. It is great that you are willing to share your images. Sorry I only have 100% IB photos to share!
FBC: You are definitely right about watermarking the pictures. I did some marks on the pictures I used, but I don't know if there's a better way to protect images?
Arbor: Thanks for mentioning the storage issue. Wordpress seems to allow plenty of storage: 3GB and you can get more.
Mmmaddie: I think you are right about organizing the images into albums and sub albums.
The format I used now doesn't allow as much control as is probably needed, so I'm experimenting with Weebly and a free website instead...but I've never done it before so it's slow!
But I'll get back to you guys with an update soon.
Before we get too far ahead of our selves...why not work WITH the UPA to create this database? You do not have to be on the Board to help or even a member, remember the club isn't about shows, rankings, etc. At its' heart, It's about sharing knowledge.

The UPA is currently in the process of revamping their website and one of the initiatives for 2013 is to update the current list of pictures to create a more thorough database. Ideally when one goes to the variety listing they would be linked to that specific color/pattern showing male, female and chick of that bird. Of course, with 225 possible combinations (and some not even actualized, just a potential combination) this is a massive undertaking. No sense in reinventing the wheel here folks, let's work together on this. Being they already have a start, why not work with them?

It's great that this group wants to work on this project but to be honest, everyone needs to work together (and that goes for the UPA people as well) to be able produce a complete (or as complete as possible) list. For instance, it would be relatively easy for us here to show the more common colors and patterns but would we be as successful at some of the more unique (ie - a Sonja's Violete Pied)? If this is something we want to do we need to make sure the list is complete, everyone needs to work together to do that.

For reference the UPA list of varieties is here: http://www.peafowl.org/varieties

The current list of photos is here: http://www.peafowl.org/peaphotos/apphoto.htm

As you can see, it needs work but it is a start. Also note that this portion of the website has not yet been updated (it is on the list for early 2013) so many of the photos are not currently watermarked and/or may be of lower resolution quality. This is our opportunity to update some of those and then add to this list.

We're excited to see so much passion on this forum for peafowl! :)

new 2 pwfowl - shoot me a PM, I'd like to help you out.
Hello all,
Thank you so much for the thoughts about the image database, 6littlechickies.
I'm really a pea newbie, I don't know anything about the UPA, and I wouldn't be contributing much in the way of images to the database.
So I think that decisions such as whether to go ahead with this kind of project, or if it would be better to work with someone else (ie the UPA) on it, should really be left to others here who have more peas and more experience. What do you think? Please share your ideas about this.

In the meantime, I did find a MUCH better way to organize this if we go ahead with it, using Weebly free websites:
(Although I am still trying to figure out how this works)
New 2 pfowl, I actually really like that, very simple.
But I think each variety should be off of the color, instead of how the India Blue Black Shoulder Silver Pied is off of Black Shoulder, it should just be off of India Blue. You know? It's good thinking but it might get confusing if there's sub albums with new patterns. Maybe sub-albums with male, female, and chicks instead?

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