Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

Thank you everyone. Msite - good luck with your hatch! Your baby should be fine.

Here is #2 hatching now as I type.


Baby #1 made its way all the way over to the other side of the bator to cuddle up to it while still in the egg. The peeping encouraged baby #2 to come out.

#3 is living and breathing but not much action.
aww MissPrissy those babies are darling !! and that pic of the baby snuggleing with its sibling is just to cute.

congrats on the new family members

my first duckling who was born yesterday is doing great - yoke is almost gone and egg number 2 has been rocking and chirrping so I hope to have two babys also
my number three egg is making me wait

They are so helpless! Its a miracle they have survived thru the ages...what do the parents to w/such helpless things? Do they still sit on them? Wouldn't they crush them??? I'm realizing just how far fetched my idea of survival really is, for mine!?! How long do they seem so helpless? Really, its totally a miracle they survive in the wild! WOW...

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