Just found Jelly dead

ChickBond 007

Licensed to Cull
11 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Madison County, Iowa
On my final rounds of the night, I took the dog out the front door and found my alpha rooster, Jelly, with his head stuck behind the landscaping rocks. I thought he was hiding, didn't make it to the coop and fell asleep. I pulled him out and found his head completely bloody. It appears he was pecked to death. Is this possible???

Now, I'll admit, I've got too many roosters right now.
But I didn't think they would peck each other to death. I'm stunned/surprised.
Jelly was on his way to death row freezer camp for an incident two weekends ago. He had become quite aggressive, even more so lately that the younger roos have been coming "of age".
So RIP Jelly, once sweet cuckoo maran with crooked toes and a fondness for grape jelly.
He was on death row anyway, but I'm sad that he had to die so violently. I just hated finding him with his head so bloody. He was obviously trying to hide and protect himself from his attacker(s). Only his head was bloody.

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