Just got some chickens!


12 Years
Jul 1, 2007
Leesville/Fort Polk, Louisiana
More pictures coming soon! I was only able to get one sent to my email from my fiance's cell apparently!
I just got 4 chickens. I think one is a rooster, but not sure about the rest..
Here's just one picture. Thinking more on it..I think this one is also a roo.
Any idea of the breed? They all look like this, but 2 of them are more black/brown/white speckled.

**EDITED TO ADD! They have green legs!
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You said you know they are not game hens. Did the person you got them from tell you that they are not games?

Are you looking at coloring to find what kind they are? I have mixed breed laying hens of that color, but the body style looks like a game breed to me. We also have game hens that color.
If that is a hen in that picture, with that length of tail, it seems it has to be a game. I may be wrong, but I'm not aware of any other breeds that the hens have such long tails. (There are long-tailed breeds, but they are a type of game.)

Very nice looking! DH's game's lay very well, they tend to go broody more than my laying hens, though.

My guess would be a Yellow-Leg Hatch cross. Only because we have some, & they look like yours.

Well, they are skinny..but they are just skin and bones.
The previous owners had them in the corner of their yard in a tiny cage. they fed them scratch in a bowl maybe once or twice a week. 2 of them had no feathers on their back.

silkiechicken: Oh no! Their bodies look nothing like that! lol
if these birds on this page are games
then that's what they are.
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