Just got some chickens!

okay! my fiance sent me another picture!

this is them before I moved them. They were on cardboard... ;_;
I'll try to take more pictures tomorrow. The brown one in front is the biggest one. >^.^< They are 8 months old.
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They should be fully feathered at 8 months. Are you sure they aren't 8 weeks, because otherwise they look like little Old English Game birds. Poor little things.
okay, just contacted the person who gave them to me on myspace...he actually has no idea how old they are. Just gave me however long he had them for..but the mom said that they just got them..so bleh. I guess when they gain more weight, I'll know.
They need better food than scratch. Kept caged like you said, it is amazing they are still alive.

Give them as much room as you can. It will take some time for them to grow their feathers back. I don't think they have developed to their potential for their age. You might try giving them game bird feed. Start out with small amounts, they are not used to good food.
Put some electrolytes in the water for 3 days to give them a boost.
Then watch them grow & turn into great looking birds.

I bet the first thing they will want to do is take a good dirt bath!!!
You did a great thing rescuing these girls!

That very nice that you took in those poor birds. I would have loved to take one but i didnt get your offer till after I got my new babies. Hope they become healthyer in time. Good luck.

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