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as for hardy chickens, I love Black Sexlinks. I live in Spokane Washington and we can get some very cold and ugly winters. I have Black Sexlinks that are cold tolerant and lay eggs year round. I also have Wynedott (spelling?). They are also cold hardy. I have a very large chicken coop and keep them in the coop all winter and keep wood shavings on the floor which stays dry and help keep heat in the coop. I only use one small heat lamp in the coop and it seems to be enough.
Dog training can be a lengthy procedure, so for now I would have a very beefed up coop and large pen for them.

The important thing is NOT to use flimsy chicken wire, predators , dogs, raccoons etc., can go thru it like butter. You need 1/2" hardware cloth because there are predators that will reach in and pull out any body part they can snag - eating if off, right on the spot. Raccoons are especially adept at this and because they have opposable thumbs that can open any lock (except combination) that you can. They can dig deep, climb high, push thru any weak spot in a fence. - They cause horrendous damage /death to whatever they get their paws on.

ON the list of predator attacks I think dogs (personal /neighbors loose pets( are no. 1 on the list of predators and raccoons probably second. Please visit the predator threads, as well as coops/runs to find out how to build a Fort Knox to keep bad guys out. Everything loves chickens and not in a good way.
Drumstick diva thats a good call I def have to beef up my coop thanks for advice.
Chicken girl I'll try that I also read that if you bring the dog when the chicken is a chick they'll be more used too them less prone to atk I hope I'll def bring them around the chickens while I am there so they learn there family thanks for advice I am def gonna do my research

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