Just me or are there a lot of newbies?

Bigtom Turkey

Nov 29, 2020
The title says it all. I have been noticing in almost all sexing threads, there is 3 or 4 people that are very wrong (one person claimed females didn't have gizzards). I know I haven't been on here for super long, but you can check my sexing history, and I am 100%. I am not meaning to bash newbies, just wondering of other people have seen this too.
Seems like we see a pretty steady volume of new people but I'll admit I don't exactly keep count. It is unfortunate though when folks come seeking guidance and then get defensive or argumentative when the advice they get isn't reinforcing their incorrect opinions. I just don't get it. Why ask people for help or guidance if you aren't going to listen?

Humans be weird.

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